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Ord. No. 129 of 1997

within a reasonable period specified by him (generally or in a particular case) and such a report shall be in addition to a report referred to in subsection (1).

(4) The Commission shall comply with any requirement made under subsection (3).

(5) Where the election supervised by the Commission is a General election, the report under subsection (1) must include a report on the formation of the election committee but the period for making that report shall begin only on the conclusion of the General election.

General Provisions Relating to Commission

9. Chief Electoral Officer

(1) The Commission shall perform its functions through a Chief Electoral Officer who shall be appointed by the Chief Executive.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Chief Electoral Officer shall, under the direction of the Commission, do all acts and things necessary for implementing the decisions of the Commission.

(3) The Chief Electoral Officer shall be provided with such staff as may be required.

(4) The Chief Electoral Officer—

(a) shall, subject to subsection (5), attend the meetings of the Commission; and
(b) may attend any meeting of a committee established or appointed pursuant to section 7(1)(g).

(5) A representative of the Chief Electoral Officer may attend any meeting of the Commission or any meeting referred to in subsection (4)(b) in the place of the Chief Electoral Officer with the consent of the person presiding at the meeting.

10. Appointees of Commission

A member of the staff provided under section 9(3) or a person appointed by the Commission shall be regarded as a public servant.

11. Delegation

The Commission may delegate any of its functions, whether under this or any other Ordinance, other than the power to issue guidelines under section 6(1), make regulations under section 7 a duty to make a report under section 8 or its functions under Part V, to the Chief Electoral Officer or any other person it considers fit.