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Ord. No. 129 of 1997
(c) the reasons for the recommendations;
(d) without affecting the generality of paragraph (c), where the Commission departs from the strict application of section 20(1)(b) pursuant to section 20(5), an explanation relating to such departure; and
(e) where the Commission receives any representations under section 19(5), the representations, or a summary of them, as the Commission considers appropriate in each case.

(2) The recommendations under subsection (1) shall be made with reference to a map or maps—

(a) showing the demarcation of the boundaries of each proposed geographical constituency;
(b) supplemented, where the Commission considers it appropriate, by a description, whether by reference to the map or maps, or otherwise of any boundary shown on such map or maps,

which shall be submitted with the report.

(3) A report referred to in subsection (1) shall be submitted—

(a) in respect of the first election to be held after the commencement of this section, not later than 31 October 1997; and
(b) in respect of each subsequent election, not later than 12 months before the date of the election to which the report relates.

(4) The Chief Executive may extend the period referred to in subsection (3)(a), or in any particular case, the period referred to in subsection (3)(b).

19. Provisional recommendations

(1) The Commission shall, when it has provisionally determined the recommendations it proposes to make for the purposes of section 18 in respect of any election, and before it submits a report under that section in respect of that election, cause a map or maps—

(a) showing the delineation of the proposed geographical constituencies and the demarcation of their boundaries; and
(b) with a name assigned to each proposed geographical constituency,

to be exhibited, for a period of not less than 30 days, for inspection by the public at reasonable hours and free of charge, at any place considered appropriate by the Commission for such purpose.

(2) The Commission shall give notice in the Gazette of the place and hours at which the map or maps may be so inspected and specify in the notice an address to send any representations in writing for the purposes of this section.