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Ord. No. 129 of 1997

“Commission “ (選管會) means the Electoral Affairs Commission established by section 3;

“election” (選舉), subject to section 17, means an election held for the purpose of—

(a) electing the members of—
(i) the Legislative Council;
(ii) a body which is the successor to—
(A) the Provisional Urban Council; or
(B) the Provisional Regional Council; or
(iii) those bodies which are successors to the Provisional District Boards;
(b) electing the members of the election committee;

“election committee” (選舉委員會) means the election committee constituted under an electoral law for the purpose of returning persons in accordance with that law, as members of the Legislative Council;

“elector” (選民) means a person whose name appears on a register of persons entitled, under any electoral law, to vote at an election;

“electoral law” (選舉法) means any law in force providing for the election of—

(a) the members of a public body; or
(b) the members of the election committee;

“function” (職能) includes a power and a duty;

“General election” (換屆選舉) means an election held for the purpose of—

(a) electing all the members of the first Legislative Council; or
(b) filling the vacancies in the Legislative Council following a dissolution of that Council;

“geographical constituency” (地方選區), subject to section 17, means a geographical area having separate representation (whether by one or more members) in a public body;

“Legislative Council” (立法會) means the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

“member of the Commission” (選管會成員) includes the Chairman;

“political body” (政治性團體) means—

(a) a political party or an organization that purports to be a political party; or
(b) an organization whose principal function or main object is to promote or prepare a candidate for an election;

“Provisional District Board” (臨時區議會) has the meaning assigned to it by the Provisional District Boards Ordinance (Cap. 366);

“Provisional Legislative Council” (臨時立法會) means the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

“Provisional Regional Council” (臨時區域市政局) has the meaning assigned to it by the Provisional Regional Council Ordinance (Cap. 385);

“Provisional Urban Council” (臨時市政局) has the meaning assigned to it by the Provisional Urban Council Ordinance (Cap. 101);