Page:Elegy on Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag, who died December 23d, 1733, or, The prince of darkness' lamentation for the Laird of Lag, and others.pdf/11

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That wanted the mark of the beast,
He did not spare them in the least;
But shot one Finlay at a post,
In serving me he made his boast:
He was so valiant in my cause,
And so observant of my laws,
That to commend him there's no need,
His works have prais'd hin since he's dead.
Nisbet of Dirleton in my stead,
In open courts 'gainst Whigs did plead;
And to the gallows did pursue
The Pentland-men, who did renew
The covenants at Lanark town,
Till they on gibbets were brought down.
And by his rigcrous pursuing;
He many other Whigs did ruin:
His great exploits pleas'd me so well,
That I his name cannot conceal,
But think fit that his deeds be told,
That so his name may be enrolld
'Mongst other worthies on record,
Who servid me as their sov'reign lord.
M'Kenzie, after, did succeed,
As advocate for me to plead;
He turned to apostacy,
And spent his time in blasphemy.
He pled that persons might go free
For murder and for sorcery;
But brought them in guilty of treason,
Who were religious out of season,
By keeping Presbytry in fame,
Which king and council did disclaim;
Who of their conscience were so tender,

Religion they would not surrender,