Page:Elegy on Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag, who died December 23d, 1733, or, The prince of darkness' lamentation for the Laird of Lag, and others.pdf/14

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Much boasting that he had supprest
The Cameronians in the west.
He did produce the hands and head
Of Cameron, whom he killed dead;
For which the council did him pay
A large reward, without delay.
And I myself on him did smile,
For that great action done in Kyle;
Because that he avenged me
Upon my stated enemy:
His kindness shall not be forgot,
As long as my furnace is hot.
York, who great Charles did succeed,
He was my constant friend indeed;
He was bred with me all his day,
And never from my laws did stray;
For he black Popery did profess,
In Scotland he set up the Mass.
A toleration he did give,
That mystery Babel might revive:
He took to him absolute power,
For to advance the Romish whore.
He stopped all the penal laws
Were made for weak’ning of my cause;
And gave a golden liberty
For all sorts of idolatry.
It criminal was in his day
To own the covenanted way;
For he intended in short time,
To make Pop’ry thro’ Scotland shine,
That from the greatest to the least,
All men might serve the Romish beast.
He deeply sworn was to Rome,

To seek all Presbyterians’ doom;