Page:Elegy on Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag, who died December 23d, 1733, or, The prince of darkness' lamentation for the Laird of Lag, and others.pdf/19

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'Bove Korah and his company,
For all his friendship done to me.
This honour he doth well deserve,
For he unweariedly did serve
Me, to his utmost every way,
To keep my kingdom from decay.
I must remember Bishop Sharp,
For the good service I did get
of him, when he was here away,
He did the Scottish kirk betray,
And all its privileges sold,
For pleasure here and love of gold.
He flld the land with perjury,
And all sorts of iniquity;
And did the force of Scotland lead
To persecute the woman's seed.
Judas, who did his master sell,
And afterwards went down to hell,
Had no more mischief in his mind
Than Sharp, this noble friend of mine.
A paction past 'twixt him and me,
That I from skaith should keep him free;
I gave him sorcery 'gainst lead,
That shooting should not be his dead;
And yet this did not him secure,
He lost his life on Magus Muir:
There some stout hearted men in Fife,
With swords of steel did take his life;
And very justly did him kill,
'Cause he their brethren's blood did spill.
So to this place he did descend;
But after him Lag did contend
For my kingdom many a day,

But now, alas! he's ta'en away.