Page:Elegy on Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag, who died December 23d, 1733, or, The prince of darkness' lamentation for the Laird of Lag, and others.pdf/4

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Harden'd, his heart would not obey,
But sought the Israelites to slay;
Like Saul, who David did pursue,
He rais'd on them the cry and hue;
And cruelly he did oppress,
Such as religion did profess.
Doeg, the Edomite, did slay
Fourscore and five priests in one day;
But if you'll take the will for deed,
Brave Lag did Doeg far exceed:
He of the blood royal was come,
Of Ahab he was a true son;
For he did sell himself to me,
To work sin and iniquity.
Herod for me he had great zeal,
Tho' his main purpose far did fail:
He many slew by a decree,
But did not toil so much for me
As Lag, who in his person went
To every place where he was sent,
To persecute both man and wife,
Who he knew led a pious life.
Brave Clavers flourish'd in his day,
And many lives did take away;
He to Rome's cause most firmly stood,
And drunken was with the saint's blood,
Which in abundance he did shed
Of those who from his presence fled,
In moss and mountain, cleugh and glen,
Were slaughter'd by his Highlandmen.
With great industry and fatigue,
He labour'd to root out that seed;
That where he came none might remain,

Who in the least did me defame.