Page:Elegy upon the death of that famous and faithful minister and martyr Mr. James Renwick.pdf/6

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Is left us, to their everlasting shame,
Who ceased not with lies to lead his name,
And with reproaches foully to bespatter,
Which malice did contrive, and madness scatter;
Which fraud invented, as its father fain’d
Fury did vent, and folly entertain’d.
Now shall his name in monuments of praise,
(Which to his fame posterity shall raise)
Still stand recorded, that he was a martyr,
Fruitful in life, faithful in his departure:
Contemn’d indeed by apostates, and Scorners;
But eminent among all Zion’s mourners:
For love undoubted, and undaunted faith,
For constancy unto his final breath,
For patience abiding in all trial,
For piety, and humble self denial,
For meekness true, in condescending tender,
For strictness due (he’d not a hoof surrender)
For uniform true zeal and moderation,
Of more than ordinary elevation:
Which with an equal pace did still advance,
’Gainst all defection and extravagance:
All bastard zeal opposing with all boldness,
As well as dead base Laodicean coldness:
For ministerial diligence much fam’d,
A workman needing not to be asham’d;
In preaching all the counsel God reveal’d,
His ministry on many souls was seal’d;
Which in his Master’s strength he did commence,
And unto its fulfilment did advance,
Against the violentest opposition,
That ever any youth in his condition
Had to conflict with, and at such a season,
When dangers seem’d invincible to reason;
For, like another Athanasius bold,
He all the world opposed and control’d,
And had all sorts of men upon his top,
And Prelatists, all vassals of the Pope;
Who did pursue him with all rage and rigour,
With might and malice violence, as of vigour:
Those brethren also, whom, tho’ still he lov’d,
He could not join with, but their sins reprov’d,
Who (illegible text)ome their ministry subjected,
Or had (illegible text) to mischiefs they enacted,
Or by disorders had their charge perverted,

Or had then duty in its day deserted,