Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/48

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Ladder, a thui; 569a
Ladder, to bring a taⁿ-thui--lâi; 468a 569a
Lamp teng; 486b
Lantern teng-nâng; 486b
Large tōa; 520a
Last (of months, years etc) chiēⁿ; 58b
Late uàⁿ; 347a
Laugh, to chhiè; 82a
Lawn tsháu-pou; 65b 377b
Lazy lán-tũaⁿ; 292b 522b
Leaf, a (either of books or trees) hie̍h; 133b
Leak làu 296b
Learn, to o̍h; 352a, ha̍k-si̍p; 116b 443a
Leather phûe; 392a
Left hand tsó-chhiú; 581a 85b
Leg kha; 256a
Leisure ôiⁿ; 101b
Lend chieh; 52b
Let go, to pàng; 360a
Letter sìn; 438a
Lie down, to tó; 515a
Lies to tell sueh-huáng; 414a
Light (not heavy) khin; 275a
Light (not dark) kng-kng; 226a
Light, to (lamps etc) tiám; 495b
Lightning tiẽn-húe; 500b 122b
Like chhin-chhiẽⁿ; 81a 88b
Lime hue; 121b
Little, a lân-ló; 292b, —, se-su
Live, to (reside) khiã-khí; 270b 267b