Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/52

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Painter iû-kang; 179b 195b
Paper tuaⁿ; 520b
Partner húe-kì; 122a 212a
Partnership, to dissolve thiah-húe; 552a 122a,
Partnership, to enter into ha̍h-húe; 119b 122a
Paste kôu; 230a
Pastor mo̍k-sṳ; 25b 460a
Pattern iēⁿ; 178b
Pay, to hôiⁿ; 125b
Pecul, one che̍k-tàⁿ; 56a 468b
Peking pak-kiaⁿ; 357a 214a
Pen pit; 374a
Pencil în-pit; 169b 374a
Pepper hôu-chie; 128b 51b
People, the peh-sèⁿ; 364a 424a
Petition, a pín; 373b
Pewter siah; 427a
Please, as you sûi-piẽn; 463a 372b
Pick up, to khie̍h--khí-lâi; 566b 267b 289b
Piece, a kò; 482a
Pigeon hún-chiáu; 160a 46b
Pig tṳ; 490a
Pillow chím-thâu; 50a 542b
Pilot tshūa-tsúi; 91a 593a
Pin tsam; 44a
Pineapple huan-lâi; 143b 289b
Place ūi-tshṳ̀; 600b 95b
Plant, (to) chèng; 36a
Plate pûaⁿ; 380b
Plate (small) ti̍h; 501a