Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/55

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Rough (as road) khi-khu; 267a 285a
Rough (as things) tshou; 90b
Round îⁿ; 163b
Rub, to chhiù; 92a
Run, to tsáu; 578b
Sailing-vessel kap-pán-tsûn; 196b 358b 595a
Sailor tsúi-siú; 593a 446a
Sails phâng; 391a
Salt iâm; 167a
Salt meat kiâm-ne̍k; 215b 183b
Same, all the pêⁿ-iēⁿ; 369a l78b, che̍k-iēⁿ; 56a 178b, siang-tâng; 440b 475a
Saturday lói-pài-la̍k; 297b 355b 290b
Saucepan ue; 99a
Say, to tàⁿ; 469a
Scales thien-phêng; 554b 366a
Scissors ka-to; 187a 513a
Screw, a lô-si-teng; 315b 419a 486a
Sea hái; 116a
Sea-sick, to be hîn-tsûn; 133a 595a
Second tõiⁿ-jī; 482b 179b
Security, to go pó; 376a
See thóiⁿ; 280b, thóiⁿ-kìⁿ; 280b 213a
Seek, to tshūe; 67b
Seldom hán--tit; 118a 506a
Send, to (persons) sái; 407b
Sentence, a kù; 248b, che̍k-kù-ūe; 56a 248b 351a
Servant ēng-jîn; 102b 182b
Several kúi-kâi; 25la –,
Sheep iêⁿ; 177b
Sheet of paper che̍k-tieⁿ-tsúa; 56a 507b 588a