Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/57

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Solder, to ún-tùe–, 482a; ún-siah–, 427a
Some (a little) lân-ló; 292b –,
Son kiáⁿ; 214b
Sore thiàⁿ; 551b
Sort iēⁿ; 178b
Sound (noise) siaⁿ; 425b
Soup thng; 558b
Sour sng; 448b
South nâm; 291a, nâm-pôiⁿ; 291a 366b
Spectacles ma̍k-kiàⁿ; 10a 215a
Spider ti-tu; 490a 529b
Split, to phùa-khui; 400a 285b
Spoon sî; 420b, thng-sî; 558b 420b
Spread, to phou; 399a
Square sì-pang; 422a 359a
Stab, to tshǹg; 93a
Stale ien;
Start, to khí-sin; 267b 434b
Steamer hué-tsûn; 122b 595a
Steersman tãi-kong; 471a 244b
Stick chiãng; 506a
Still huàn; 144a
Stinking tshàu; 66a
Stone chie̍h; 53a
Stool, a íⁿ-thâu; 162b 542b
Stop, to hiah; 133a
Stop up, to sat; 411a
Stove hué-lôu; 122b 316a
Stow away, to khǹg; 277a
Strange khî-kuài; 211a 237a
Street koi-lōu; 241b 317a
Strength 1a̍t; 295a