Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/59

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That hṳ́-kâi; 127a –,
Then hṳ́-tsûn; 127a 596b
There hṳ́-pôiⁿ; 127a 366b, hièⁿ-pôiⁿ; 135b 366b
Thermometer hân-sú-tsam; 118a 161a 44b
They i; 162a
Thick (of liquids) kṳ̍t; 224b
Thick (of substances) kãu; 200a
Thimble tâng-tsóiⁿ; 475a 580a
Thin (of liquids) chhieh –,
Thin (of solids or infusions) po̍h; 384a
Thin (of persons) sán; 409b
Thing mue̍h; 330a
Think, to siẽⁿ; 448a
Thirsty at aû ta; 7a 467a
This chí-kâi; 38a –,
Throat aû; 7a
Throw, to ka̍k; 192b
Thunder lûi; 324a, lûi-hiáng; 324a 130b
Thursday lói-pài-sì; 297b 355b 422a
Tiger lãu-hóuⁿ; 296b 139a
Time sî-hāu; 420a 120b
Time? What’s the kúi-tiám-cheng? 251a 495b 33b
Toast pek-mīⁿ-pau; 365a 329a 361b
Today kim-ji̍t; 219b 184b
Toes kha-tsóiⁿ; 256a 575a
Together tsò-pû; 586a 385a
Tomorrow mùaⁿ-khí; –, 267b
Tongue chi̍h; 48a
Too khah; 258a
Towel mīn-pòu; 20b 378b
Translate, to huan-e̍k; 144a l0la
Treacle thn̂g-tsúi; 558b 593a