Page:Elementary Trigonometry.djvu/9

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In this contribution to the series of Cambridge School and College Text Books now in course of publication by Messrs Deighton, Bell and Co. I have tried as far as possible to keep in view the objects stated in their Prospectus. I have thought it right therefore to explain in considerable detail such points as appeared to me likely to present difficulties to younger students, or to those who are reading without the assistance of a private Tutor; and I have moreover added a very copious collection of examples of various degrees of difficulty, of several of which I have given the working. The great majority of these examples have been selected from the Examination Papers of the several Colleges and of the University of Cambridge, but some few have been taken from Dr August Wiegand's Sammlung trigonometrischer Aufgaben. The results have been given in all cases where it was necessary, and considerable care has been taken to secure their accuracy. I shall however be thankful for corrections which any one may be kind enough to send me.