Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/22

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9. The Sign of Continuation, , is read "and so on."

10. The Sign of Deduction, , is read "therefore" or "hence."

11. In arithmetical multiplication the order in which the factors of a product are written is immaterial. Thus

In like manner in Algebra and each denote the product of the two quantities represented by the letters and , and have therefore the same value. Although it is immaterial in what order the factors of a product are written, it is usual to arrange them alphabetically. Fractional coefficients which are greater than unity are usually kept in the form of improper fractions.

Ex. If , , , find the value of .

Here .


If , , , , , find the value of

1. .
2. .

3. .
4. .

5. .
6. .

7. .
8. .

9. .
10. .

If , , , , , find the value of

11. .
12. .
13. .

14. .
15. .
16. .

17. .
18. .
19. .

20. .
21. .
22. .

23. .
24. .
25. .

If , , , , , find the value of

26. .
27. .

28. .
29. .

30. .
31. .

32. .
33. .

34. .
35. .

12. When several different quantities are multiplied together a notation similar to that of Art. 7 is adopted. Thus is written . And conversely has the same meaning as .

Ex. 1. If , , find the value of .
