Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/248

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2. I bought a certain number of marbles at four for a cent ; I kept one-fifth of them, and sold the rest at three for a cent, and gained a cent : how many did I buy?

3. I bought a certain number of articles at five for six cents; if they had been eleven for twelve cents, I should have spent six cents less : how many did I buy ?

4. A man at whist wins twice as much as he had to begin with, and then loses $16 ; he then loses four- fifths of what remained, and afterwards wins as much as he had at first : how much had he origin- ally, if he leaves off with $80 ?

5. A number of two digits exceeds five times the sum of its digits by 9, and its ten-digit exceeds its unit-digit by 1: find it.

6. The sum of the digits of a number less than 100 is 6; if the digits be reversed the resulting number will be less by 18 than the original number : find it.

7. A man being asked his age replied, "If you take 2 years from ray present age the result will be double my wife's age, and 3 years ago her age was one-third of what mine will be in 12 years." What were their ages?

8. At what time between one and two o'clock are the hands of a watch first at right angles ?

9. At what time between 3 and 4 o'clock is the minute-hand one minute ahead of the hour-hand ?

10. When are the hands of a clock together between the hours of 6 and 7 ?

11. It is between 2 and 3 o'clock, and in 10 minutes the minute-hand will be as much before the hour-hand as it is now behind it : what is the time ?

12. At an election a majority of 162 was three-elevenths of the whole number of voters : find the number of votes on each side.

13. A certain number of persons paid a bill ; if there had been 10 more each would have paid $2 less; if there had been 5 less each would have paid $2.50 more : find the number of persons, and what each had to pay.

14. A man spends $100 in buying two kinds of silk at $4.50 and $4 a yard; by selling it at $4.25 per yard he gains 2 per cent: how much of each did he buy?

15. Ten years ago the sum of the ages of two sons was one-third of their father's age: one is two years older than the other, and the present sum of their ages is fourteen years less than their father's age : how old are they?