Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/25

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given, and by combining the terms the numerical value of the whole expression is obtained.

16. We have already, in Art. S 8, called attention to the importance of carefully distinguishing between coefficient and index; confusion between these is such a fruitful source of error with beginners that it may not be unnecessary once more to dwell on the distinction.

{{fine block|Ex. 1. When , find the value of .


Hence the value of the expression .

Ex. 2. When , , , find the value of


17. By Art. 13 any term which contains a zero factor is itself zero, and may be called a zero term.

Ex. 1. If , , , , find the value of

The expression

Note. The two zero terms do not affect the result.

Ex. 2. Find the value of , when

, , , .

Note. The zero term does not affect the result.

18. In working examples the student should pay attention to the following hints:

1. Too much importance cannot be attached to neatness of style and arrangement. The beginner should remember that neatness is in itself conducive to accuracy.