Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/32

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means that to 8 we are to add the excess of 13 over 5; now if we add 13 to 8 we have added 5 too much, and must therefore take 5 from the result.



Similarly means that to we are to add , diminished by .







In like manner,













[Art. 24.]
the sum of and ,
the sum of and , [Art. 24.]







By considering the results (1), (2), (3), (4), we are led to the following rule:

Rule. When an expression within brackets is preceded by the sign , the brackets can be removed without making any change in the expression.

Conversely: Any part of an expression may be enclosed within brackets and the sign prefixed, the sign of every term within the brackets remaining unaltered.

Thus the expression may be written in any of the following ways,

26. The expression means that from we are to take the sum of and . The result will be the same whether and are subtracted separately or in one sum.

