Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/425

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507. To find limits to the error made in taking any convergent for the continued fraction.

Let be three consecutive convergents, and let k denote the complete (n+ 2)th quotient ;


Now k is greater than 1, therefore the difference between the continued fraction , and any convergent, , is less than and greater than .

Again, since , the error in taking instead of is less than , and greater than .

508. From the last article it appears that the error in taking \frac{p_n}{q_n} instead of the continued fraction is less than or, ; that is, less than hence the larger is, the nearer does approximate to the continued fraction; therefore, any convergent which immediately precedes a large quotient is a near approximation to the continued fraction.

Again, since the error is less than it follows that in order to find a convergent which will differ from the con- tinued fraction by less than a given quantity we have only to calculate the successive convergents up to where is greater than .