Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/87

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31. I purchase 127 bushels of grain. If the number of bushels of wheat be double that of the corn, and seven more than five times the number of bushels of corn equals the number of bushels of oats, find the number of bushels of each. 32. The length of a room exceeds its breadth by 3 feet ; if the length had been increased by 3 feet, and the breadth diminished by 2 feet, the area would not have been altered ; find the dimensions. 33. The length of a room exceeds its breadth by 8 feet ; if each had been increased by 2 feet, the area would have been increased by 60 feet ; find the original dimensions of the room. 34. A and B start from the same place walking at different rates ; when A has walked 15 miles B doubles his pace, and 6 hours later passes A ; if A walks at the rate of 5 miles an hour, what is B's rate at first ? 35. A sum of money is divided among A, B, and C, so that A and B have together $20, A and C $30, and B and C $40 ; find the share of each. 36. A man sold two pieces of cloth, losing $6 more on the one than on the other. If his entire loss was $4 less than four times the smaller loss, find the amount lost on each piece. 37. Two men received the same sum for their labor ; but if one had received $10 more, and the other $8 less, then one would have had three times as much as the other. What did each receive ? 38. In a certain examination the number of successful candidates was four times the number of those who failed. If there had been 14 more candidates and 6 less had failed, the number of those who passed would have been five times the number of those who failed. Find the number of candidates. 39. A purse contains 14 coins, some of which are quarters and the rest dimes. If the coins are worth $2 altogether, how many are there of each kind ? 40. An estate was divided among three persons in such a way that the share of the first was three times that of the second, and the share of the second twice that of the third. The first received $900 more than the third. How much did each receive ?