Page:Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses, and other transients (Steinmetz 1911).djvu/21

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the second case, of current , at the moment ; that is, from onward, curve is the same as curve from time onward. Since

Fig. 4.: 2 decaying curves of current decay: i (higher) and i' (lower) ; on y-axis is i, on x-axis time t; i1 is measured at t1 (marked as a1), i.e. the highest i-curve; i2 is measured at the lower i'-curve on t1 (the same time), the same i2 value crossing the higher i-curve gives a later time denoted as t; the tangent of a1 (highest i1 current) crosses the x-axis after time t and is denoted as t2 giving an angle on the x-axis denoted as Φ (phi)
Fig. 4. — Curve of Simple Transient: Decay of Current.

is proportional to from any point onward, curve is proportional to the same curve from onward. Hence, at time , it is


But since and at are the same as and at time , it follows:




where , and the minus sign is chosen, as is negative.

As in Fig. 4: