In laying out the curves on a railroad it will not do, on account of the high speed of trains, to pass abruptly from a straight stretch of track to a circular curve. In order to make the change of direction gradual, engineers make use of transition curves to connect the straight part of a track with a circular curve. Arcs of cubical parabolas are generally employed as transition curves.
Illustrative Example 3. The transition curve on a railway track has the shape of an arc of the cubical parabola . At what rate is a car on this track changing its direction (1 mi. = unit of length) when it is passing through (a) the point (3, 9)? (b) the point ? (c) the point ?
103. Radius of curvature. By analogy with the circle (see (38), § 99), the radius of curvature of a curve at a point is defined as the reciprocal of the curvature of the curve at that point. Denoting the radius of curvature by R, we have
↑Hence the radius of curvature will have the same sign as the curvature, that is, + or -, according as the curve is concave upwards or concave downwards.
↑In § 98, p. 152, (43) is derived from (42) by transforming from rectangular to polar coordinates.