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Page:Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus - Granville - Revised.djvu/227

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129.Order of differentiation immaterial. Consider the function . Changing into and keeping constant, we get from the Theorem of Mean Value, (46), § 106,

  and since varies while remains constant, we get the partial derivative with respect to .

If we now change to and keep and constant, the total increment of the left-hand member of (A) is


The total increment of the right-hand member of (A) found by the Theorem of Mean Value, (46), § 106, is

  and since varies while and remain constant, we get the partial derivative with respect to .  

Since the increments (B) and (C) must be equal,


In the same manner, if we take the increments in the reverse order,


and also lying between zero and unity.

The left-hand members of (D) and (E) being identical, we have


Taking the limit of both sides as and approach zero as limits, we have


since these functions are assumed continuous. Placing

(G) may be written


That is, the operations of differentiating with respect to and with respect to are commutative.