Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/115

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Birth-Day of S. Gregory.

pe hi mihcon bo&igen- defpifing all earthly things &e. ealle mi5&an-eap&- as unprofitable to them, lice jJHig rpa ]rpa alppe- providing only fo much me&e f ophosigen&e. J)a as was neceflary for their ])in5 ana ])e hi to bigleo- common fubfiftence, agree- pan behopo&on un&ep- able to what they taught, f onbe. be jjam J)e hi txh- living themfelves, and for Con]rylfelybben6e.']}:op the Love of the Truth J)spe ro^psj-rnyrre lupe, which they preached he- ,>c hi bo6e&on ^eappu px- ing ready to fufFer Per- pon ehcnyrre to =Soli- fecution, and Death it genne ^ &ea^ rpelcaa felf, if it were neceflary, Sip hi =Soppcon :• ])fxx; Therefore very many be- J>a 5elyp6on pop pel ma- lieved, and were baptized niga -J on Dobep naman in the Name of God, ad- gepullobe pup&on. pun- miring the Simplicity of &pi5en5e J)^pe bylepic- their innocent Courfe of nyrre heopa • unpcea^ige Life, and the Sweetnefs hper. -J rpecnyrre ^^ecna of their heavenly Doarine. heoponhcan lape :• Da Afterwards King ^Etbel- JEC nexcan gelurrpidlobe hjribt was much pleafed Jjamcyninge |€j>elbypihr with the Purity of their heopa clan lipe •) heopa Lives, and their delight- pinrume behac ^a po^- fulPromifes, which were lice pop&on mi5 mani^um indeed confirmed by ma- racnum^epe^e&e 3 he ]>a ny Miracles. And he be- ^elypen&e peap^ gepul- lieving was baptized, and lobe, ^micelum jja'Cpi- he reverenc'd the Chri- j-cenam ^eappup'So&e. 3 ftjans, and looked upoj^ ^ unj-cea^jpiSep- C.H, ' Hpipcen^n. CK E 2