same stuff and embroidery, cut like a helmet before, the hinder part cut into scollops answering the skirts of their doublets; the bands of their hats were wreaths of silver in form of garlands of wild olives; white feathers, with one fall of carnation; belts of the same stuff, and embroidered with the doublet; silver swords; little Italian bands and cuffs embroidered with silver; fair long tresses of hair.
"The Priests' Habits.—Long robes of white taffeta; long white heads of hair; the High-Priest a cap of white silk shag close to his head, with two labels at the ears, the midst rising in form of a pyramis, in the top thereof a branch of silver; every Priest playing upon a lute; twelve in number.
"The Priests descend, and sing this song following; after whom the Knights likewise descend, first laying aside their veils, belts and swords. ***** The Knights by this time are all descended and fallen into their place, and then dance their first measure. ***** The Knights dance their second measure. ***** The Knights take their ladies to dance with them galliards, durets, corantos, etc., and then lead