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Page:Elizabethan People.djvu/537

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Cock-throwing, 25, 149

Coffins, decoration of, 315

College of Stratford, 48

Collop Monday, 147

Colors of horses, 133

Conjurers, 84

Consorts, 221

Corks, 377

Corpse candles, 310

Cotswold games, 137, 189

Counterpane, 387

Country life, 36, 344

Courtesans, 96, 97

Court life, 229, 243

Court-shaped house, 351

Courtship, 290

Crackers, fire, 190

Craps, 214

Creance, 117

Credulity, 9, 79, 342

Cribbage, 205

Crime and ghostlore, 321

Cross-roads, 311

Cruelty, 10

Cruelty of laws, 13

Cry, the, 123

Crystal globe, 89

Cucking stool, 17, 57

Cuckolds, 96

Cunning men, 84

Cupboard, 384

Curtains, 384

Cushion dance, 207

Cypress, 364

Dancing, 198, 207

Dancing at weddings, 302

Death customs, 308

Death penalties, 14

Death, signs of, 276, 308

Deathbed, 276

Death's head ring, 99

Dee, Dr., 88, 267

Devil, belief in the, 261

Devil, compact with, 332, 334

Devils, 281

Dice, 211

Dier, Mrs., 339

Dingham, 369

Disedge, to, 117

Dishonesty of tradesmen, 68

Dog days, 275

Dogs, baiting with, 21

Domestic architecture, 344

Doublet, 372

Drawers, 365

Dreams, 281

Dress, 358

Dress, discomfort of, 361

Dress, imitation in, 34

Dress of morris-dancers, 159

Dress, regulation of, 360

Drinking tobacco, 79

Ducking stool, 17, 57

Duelling, 217

Dun in the mire, 26, 199

Dutch slop, 376

Easter tide, 151, 184

Eclipse, 275

Egg Saturday, 153

Elizabeth as a musician, 225

Elizabeth, description of, 244

Elizabethan fads, 33

Elizabethan, the point of view, 2

Elizabethans, charity of, 29

Elizabethans, immaturity of, 5

Elizabethans, qualities of, 6

Elizabethans, realization of their national strength, 7

Elizabethans, religious quality of, 28

Elizabethans, their imitation, 32

Entry, the, 121

E-shaped house, 351