Hawk, watching, 113
Hawking, 110
Hay, 208
Hazard, 314
Head dress, 364
Healths, drinking, 291
Heaving, 205
Herbs, 394
Herbs, remedial, 274
Hermitage Dock, 14
Holy Cross, Guild of the, 46, 48
High Almaine horse, 135
Hired murderers, 19
Hobby, the, 131
Hobby-horse, 157
Hoe at Plymouth, 188
Hood of hawks, 116
Hoodman blind, 170
Hooks, 350
Horse in Shakespeare, the, 139
Horse market of Smithfield, 132
Horse racing, 137
Horses, 130
Hose, 376
Hot cockles, 170
Houses, domestic, 61
Housewife, the, 391
Hunting of the fox, 207
Hunting with hawks, 118
Hunt's up, 304
Imitation in the drama, 33
Imitation, love of, 32
Immaturity of the Elizabethans, 5
Imping, 115
In and in, 214
Inner Temple Masque, 254
Inns, country, 40
Insanity, treatment of, 27
Irish hobby, 136
Iron as a building material, 350
I spy, 187
Jesses, 116
Jewelry, 378
John come kiss me, 307
John of Stratford, 47
Juliet's character, 3
Juniper, 382
Juniper fire, 76
Katharine, 112
Kenilworth, 351
King's Evil, 279
Kissing, 196
Knives at meals, 385
Knives worn by brides, 301
Laced garments, 362
Laces, 378
Lacing, 374
Lancaster witches, 338
Lant, Thomas, 240
Laski, Albert, 90
Last Couple in Hell, 185
Latten, 289
Lavolta, 209
Laws, cruelty of, 13
Lawlessness, 11
Lead roofs, 349
Leak, Madam, 151
Leet Ale, 176
Leicester's influence over the Queen, 267
Lethe, 127
Letters, 388
Liam hound, 121
Limer, 121
Lion baiting, 23
Lodam, 203