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Oldham, 87

Orde, Sir John, 28

Orkney islands, 23

Ornithologists' Union, British, 24

osprey, in Scotland, 25

Otter, Captain, R.N., 32, 33

Ovis ammon, 190–192

Palmer, 261

Paul, 87, 92–95

peregrine, 27

Phalarope, Red-necked, 36

Philippi, Dr., 208

Philhpps-Wolley, 171

Pinchot, 175

Pitt, Rev. J., 14

Poeppig, 209, 213

Pope, W. H., 142

Pottinger, Sir Henry, 155, 156, 159

Pram, Sir D., 239

Prestage, 92, 99–107

Price, W. R., 218–249

Ramsden, Sir John, 304

raven (Islay), 25

reindeer, 150, 154

Ridley, Dr., 220–221

Rimator malacoptilus, 78

Robinson, 219

Rockhill, 179

Rolfe, 207

Rothschild, Lord, 115

rubber, 227

Russia, 181–183

St. Kilda, 31–36

St. Quintin, 37

Sakuma, Count, 229

Salonika, 38

Salvin, Osbert, 131, 259

Sargent, Professor, Charles E., 175

Scots Guards, 20–22, 42

Seebohm, F., 59, 69

Selous, F.C., 203

shearwater, 35

Shillong, 116–124

Shirasawa, Professor, 218, 222, 229–237

Sikkim, 54–57, 70–75, 80–84, 91

Skinner, Dr., 179

Smith, Colonel Manners, 251, 255

Smithe, A. D., 70, 75

Snowdrop, Elwes’s, 65

snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea), 137

Sprague, T.A., 207

Squarey, 263

Staniland, 154

Sterna arctica (Haskeir), 28

Stiffen, Dr. Hans, 207

Stimson, 170

Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John, 297, 303

Strecker, Herman, 131, 179

Strickland, Sir Charles, 258

Sutherland, 96

Tanner, Colonel, 87, 88

Taxidermy, 180

Teinopalpus imperialism 79, 114

Temple, Sir Richard, 88, 92, 107

Tibet, 54–57, 86–90, 92

Tibet Mission, 102, 107–108

tiger shooting, 50

Travancore, 44–47

Tristam, Canon, 37

Turkey, 38–42

Turner, J.W., 287

United States, 131–133, 169, 172–180

Vanderbilt, 175

Vassito, 62

Voden, Herr von, 210

Walden, Lord, 58

Walker, Colonel, 159

Wallace, Professor, 284, 289

Walsingham, Lord, 15

Ward, Rowland, 202

Warry, 87

Waterpark, Lord, 46

White, Claude, 81, 82, 93

Whittall, 61, 67

Wilson, 262

Winchilsea, Lord, 292–294

Winterbotham, James, 295

Wood, J.T., 61

Woolley-Dod, 171

Woolward, Miss, 74

Wygman, 224, 254