Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/381

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A Happy End

that in the doorway between the rooms he had often seen Swedenborg talking with his invisible friends. The stranger made sure it was the very spot, then he went and stood there. He left, after handsomely rewarding Shearsmith, nor was anything ever known of him than what he said of himself, that he was from the far West Indian island of St. Croix.7

Another day, in 1908, nearly a century and a half later, the Royal Swedish battleship, the Fylgja (not inaptly named, as that was what the old Scandinavians called the good spirit believed to be every man's double and companion), sailed for London, with one mission only: to bring back to his country, at last mindful of a great son, the body of Emanuel Swedenborg—scientist and mystic.