Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/392

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32. See Anita Mühl, Automatic Writing (Dresden and Leipzig, Steinkopf, 1930).
33. Journal A.S.P.R., October, 1945.
34. Ibid.


1. Tafel, doc. 92.
2. The Word Explained, ed. and tr. by Alfred Acton (Bryn Athyn, Pa., Academy of the New Church).
3. D.D.
4. "Origen," Enc. Brit., 13th ed.
5. C. Th. Odhner, in N.C.L., March, 1903, p. 136.
6. N.C.L., April, 1903.
7. "Origen," Enc. Brit., 13th ed.
8. W.E., 378.
9. The Philosopher's Notebook, p. 275.
10. Acton, Intro. to W.E., p. 122.
11. See Mühl, Automatic Writing.
12. W£., 459.
13. W.E., 1150.
14. W.E., 7006.
15. W.E., 4812.
16. W.E., 4849.
17. W.E., 1511.
18. W.E., Vol. II, pp. 493, 494, footnotes to 1511.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. W.E., 1892.
22. W .E., 5652.
23. W.E., 6389.
24. W.E., 7425.
25. See Rufus M. Jones, Studies in Mystical Religion (Macmillan, 1909).
26. W.E., 1510.
27. W.E., 1712.
28. The Philosopher’s Notebook.
29. W.E., 6257.
30. W.E., 6232.
31. W.E., 932.
32. Codices 59, 60, 61.
33. Codex 74.
34. Codex 59, pars. 979-997.
35. Else F. Kronheimer, 26 St. Margaret's Road, Oxford, England. (B. Sc., thesis: "Personality Development in the Light of Graphological Inquiry.")
36. Sp.D., 2962.
37. Codex 2.
38. Codex 88.
39. Codex 3.
40. C.L.
41. The Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. I, tr. by J. H. Smithson (London, 1846); Vol. II, tr. by George Bush (Boston 1886); Vol. III, tr. by Bush and Smithson (London, 1883); Vol. IV, tr. by George Bush and James F. Buss (London, 1889); Vol. V, tr. by James F. Buss (London, 1902).
42. W.E., 5292.
43. Ibid.