Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/402

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Clergymen, Swedenborg's opinion of, 331

Coimbra, Bishop of, 339

College debates, 34

"Collegiants," 159

Collin, Nicholas, 329—330

Comedians, in spirit-world, 299

Commission, Swedenborg's belief in his divine, 150—154

Concubinage, 320

Congress, International Swedenborg, 1

Conjugial Love, 51, 307, 308-324, 336

"Controls," of mediums, 207

Cookworthy, Wm., 348

"Correspondence," theories of, 283—290, 298

Courteous "spirits," 299

"Cross-correspondence," cases, 197, 198, 262

Cuno, J. C., 336-343, 350

Curriculum, at Upsala, 35, 36

DAEDALUS HYPERBOREUS, 6o, 61, 63, 65, 66

Dalin, Councilor von, 191

"David," 210, 211

Dawson-Smith, Mrs., case, 194, 195

Degrees, doctrine of series and, 109

Delft vision, 141—144, 151, 306, 352

Descartes, Rene, 24

Diaries, Swedenborg's, for 1733-1734, 69; for 1736-1739, 89-94; for 1743-1744. 131, 134, 135, 136, 148, 180; travel diary 1739, 214; Spiritual Diary (Memorabilia), for 1747—1765, 213, 214, 215, 235, 298, 301

Diet, Swedish, Swedenborg as member, 273-275, 277

Dieterich, Fr., 379

Dingle, Professor Herbert, 367

Dionysius, the Areopagite, 83, 112

Divine Love and Wisdom, 303

Divine Providence, The, 303, 356

Dreams, Swedenborg's, Wolff's ideas commented, 87; sex symbolism, 137—138; of Jesus, 139; 144; of work, 145; semi-trances, 148

Driesch, Hans, 100, 103, 258

Duseen, 180


Economy of the Animal Kingdom, title, 95; method of, 101; doctrine of series and degrees, 109; "influx," 111; system, 115; soul defined, 116—117; free will, 119; desire, 121; absence of dogmas, 122; publication date, 124; religion in, 208; 345

Ehrenpreuss, Senator, 305

Einstein, 73

Ekeblad, Count Claes, 349

Ekebom, Dean, 331, 332

Electro—cardiograms, of yogins, 219

Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 327

Elfvius, Professor, 47, 56

Embryo, Swedenborg's theory of, 102—103, 104-105

English, character of people, 304

Erigena, Iohn Scotus, 111

Ernesti, Dr., 308

Ethics, Swedenborg's, 276

Evans-Wentz, W. Y., 378

Evil, own punishment, 241

Evil, problem of, 354—357

Execution (Brahe's), 327

External and internal natures of man, 79, 237-240

FANTASIES OF SPIRITS, seen as real, 295

Ferelius, Pastor Arvid, 359, 360

Ffoulkes, Martin, 287

The Fibre, 135, 180, 183, 286

Five Senses, The, 145, 146

Finances, Swedish, Swedenborg on, 274

Flamsteed, 46, 47

Flournoy, Th., 54, 162

France, figures on church in, 93

Free will, 119-121

Freud, Sigmund, 61, 162, 182

Fylgja, The, 363

GARDEN, SWEDENBORG'S, 271-272, 305

Gardiner, Harold, 367

Gay, John, 43, 44

Gehenna, city at edge of, 304

Géley, Gustave, 371

Geymuller, Henri de, 375

Gichtel, J. G., 234

Gjörwell, C. Ch., 305-306

God, as law, 118, 111, 358, 359

Görtz, Baron G. H. von, 274

"Grand Man," Gichtel's, 234; 289-294

Graphology, expert in, 213

Green, English friend of Kant, 185-186, 193

Grimberg. C., 373, 379

Groningen, University of, experiment, 171

Grotius, Hugo, 103

Gyllenborg, Elizabeth Stierncrona, Countess, 78, 319

Gyllenborg, Count, 305,