Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/405

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Psychical Research, American Society for, 168

Psychical Research, Society for (English), 49, 168, 177

Psycho-analysts and Swedenborg, 162-167

Psychon-system, Carington theory, 174-175, 182; survival, 195-197; 226

Psychosomatic theory of Swedenborg, 286

Publilius Syrus, 38

Palmquist, Baron, 55, 56

QUEEN OF SWEDEN'S SECRET, 190-193, 325, 330 "Quonset" hut, 294


Rambouillet, Marquise de, 321

Ramström, Professor Martin, 99, 102

"Razor's edge," of Hindu mystics, 80

Reproduction (De Generatione), 137

Retzius, Professor Gustaf, 98, 99

Reviews, Swedenborg, 65

Reynolds, Elizabeth, 362

Rhine, Dr. J. B., 171, 372

Richmond, Kenneth, 374

Robertson, A. J. B., 372

Robsahm, Carl, Swedenborg's "mission," 151-153; 154, 222; Swedenborg's garden, 272; 274. 277-278, 331

Roman Catholics, "Babylon," 101; 340, 341

Rosén, Dr. Johan, 332


St. Augustine, 113

St. Croix, stranger from, 362, 363

Scherer, August, 380

Scholem, Gershom C., 315, 380

Schrödinger, Professor Erwin, 103, 104, 368

Schwenkfeldians, 83

Second-century theologians, 210

"Second Coming," in Swedenborg's writings, 334

"Seekers," English sect, 159

Series and Degrees, doctrine, 109

Sewall, Frank, 366, 371

Sex, Swedenborg on, 51-54, 123, 136-138, 312-315

Shearsmith, wigmaker and barber, 158, 350, 360, 362, 363

"Shekhinah," 315

Sidis and Goodheart, 372

Sigstedt, Cyriel Odhner (Sigrid O.), 364, 365 (see also Odhner, S. C.)

Sloane, Sir Hans, 287

"Society," spirit, 241-244; spirit cut off from, 244; and space, 250-254; of the Eagle, 313

"Solomon," 210, 211

Soul of the Universe, The (G. Strémberg), 107-108

Space and time, for spirits, 250-255

"Spheres," auras, 267-270

Spinoza, Baruch, 55, 113, 147

Spirits, Swedenborg's idea of before April, 1745, 161; his dissociation, 167; not "real" bodies, 178-179, 223 ff; and microscope, 179; vary Swedenborg's writing, 213; of other planets, 214; known personally to Swedenborg, 217; "organized substances," 223-226; retain sensations, 223; frightened of being, 225; image-conversation, 227-228, 264-265; world of, 234-241; and mediums, 235; "middle-character," fear "death," 241; societies, 241-244; like relatives and friends, 241; difficulty of remembering, 243; "subjects," 244: "conjoined" to men, 244-246; compulsion neurosis, 245; desire Swedenborg to eat, 247; limited sight, 247; "physical" phenomena, 248; time and space, 250-255; meet by wishing, 252; memory, 254-262; mistakes by, 259; ideas visible, 260, 263; "speech," 263-267; "sphere" (aura), 267-270; odor, 268-270; usefulness of evil, 276; and graven image, 280; in "Grand Man," 289-291; fantasies seen as real, 295; in trance (Louis XIV), 297; idle, rich women, 298; comedians, 299; courtesy among certain, 299; effect of music on, 299; apparent changes in state of, 300; wearied of "heaven," 308 ff.; young men, 322 ff.; after execution, 327

Spiritual Diary (Memorabilia), 213-218; on breathing, 218; on revenge, 355

"Spirituous fluid," 104, 105, 106, 226

Spoerl, Dr. H. D., 372

Springer, Christopher, 348-349

Stahl, G. E., 36, 85, 100

Stanislaus, King of Poland, 339

Steuchius, Stina Maja, 78

Stockholm, in spirit world, 304

Stockholm fire, 186, 325

Strindberg, August, 164

Stroh, Alfred H., 364, 366, 367, 368, 371

Stroh, Mrs. Alfred H. (Signe), 366

Strömberg, Dr. Gustaf, 107-108

"Subjects," spirits, 243

Summary Exposition of the Doctrines of the New Church, 340 ff.