must be careful to leave all parts that are to be joined together unpainted, as they would not adhere otherwise. Model the pistil carefully from a narrow strip of gutta percha, copying the cut. Press the base of the lower petal under the pistil, so that the point of the latter rests on the hollow base of the petal, pinching them carefully together with pliers heated in the boiling water. When this is firm, press on the side petals, and finally the back ones. Model the two parts of the calyx (seen in the upper left hand corner of Fig. 27) making
Fig. 27.
three of the larger pieces and two of the others. Press the three larger at the back of the flower, turning the lower part of each back, and curving each towards the point resting against the two back petals of the pansy; then beneath the front petals fix the two smaller portions of the calyx. Examine a real pansy, pulling it to pieces to get at the separate parts, if you find difficulty in following these directions. Make the leaves of different sizes, moulding and veining them carefully. The log can be painted to suit your taste or can be merely painted a smooth, even white, when it will resemble china.