narrow border of drawn work, the directions for which will be found under the head of drawn work, will be a great improvement.
Having transferred the pattern (which in case of the fans should be placed in the corner, according to one of the methods given elsewhere), the next question is, "With what shall it be worked? " If the linen is heavy crewels may be used, although a better effect will be obtained by using etching silk or filoselle, a kind of silk which is inexpensive, works easily, and has the merit of not fading. Marking cotton is also sometimes used. As to color, that must be left, in great part, to the taste of the worker. Monochrome, that is, work in one or more shades of a single color, is always a safe, and to many tastes, the more truly artistic treatment. If, however, several colors are used, one rule is imperative, never use more than three bright shades. The more sober tints may be used in greater profusion.
Outline embroidery can be varied by using it in connection with applique work. For a watch pocket or small banner screen for a lamp, the design could be worked in outline on silk, then cut out and appliquéd on a piece of felt, the edges being button-holed or chain-stitched with gold thread.
As an instance of what may be done in this way, I quote a description of a tidy which an eminent authority on decorative work describes as "simple and unassuming, but in its way artistic."
"One of these was a long strip of Momie cloth, intended to be thrown over the back of a sofa. On this three ducks were worked in outline in brown crewel. They were standing on a brown ground, which was represented by a piece of brown cloth, applied to the gray; in one corner, up above the ducks, was a large, very much conventionalized sun, manufactured out of yellow cloth, and the rays worked from it in yellow silk."