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List of Illustrations

Map of North Island.

Captain Cook (from an original drawing in the possession of Dr. Mackay MacDonald).

“Coming of the Maoris.”

N.Z.S.S. Coy’s “Ruapehu.”

“Ruapehu” passengers.

“One day we actually saw an iceberg.”

“We had a long day at Hobart.”

Parliament Buildings, Cape Town.

“Delightful Summer Days at Teneriffe.”

A wharf at Auckland.

“On the big paddle-boat for the twenty minutes’ run across the harbour.”

“In an electric tram . . . . right through the city.”

“Immediately below us was the city.”

“The sea scarcely rippling in the many little bays, inlets, and curved arms of the harbour.”

Maori War Canoe.

“Dressed like Europeans and not even tattooed.”

“With fuzzy masses of bronzy hair.”

“Hongi’s track.”

“The little Maori children . . . . grinning from ear to ear.”

“Maggie Papakura with some of her friends.”

“The Maori-English Church at Ohinemutu.”

“To see the people cooking in the natural hot pools.”

“Up shot the boiling water to a height of about one hundred feet.”

“The red and yellow crusty formation.”

“What War brick called ‘The Infernal Regions.’”

“Tangata Maori: An old Chief.”

“A Maori and his half-caste son.”

“Waimangu Crater is over an acre and a half in extent.”

“Used to discharge its appalling mass . . . . to heights varying from two hundred to a thousand feet.”

The Rotorua Coach.

“The famous pink and white terraces that were destroyed in the Eruption of Tarawera.”

A modern Maori mother, not tattooed.

“Cut out of the cliff, the river below”

“We came to a mud volcano.”

“They very seldom wear their own dress now.”

“In the middle of beautifully kept gardens at the base of the hill.”

“A haka, dance by Rotorua natives.”

“By the Aratiatia Falls.”

“A succession of boiling pools and geysers.”

“The Aratiatia Rapids.”