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Eminent Authors of Japan

but there is some doubt about it. Kakutaro has been drowned in the stream or has died on the mountains, so I am sure his body will never be found.

  • Osayo.—But it is said by the old people of this village, that if men are enchanted by foxes they will all fall into the river and will meet their deaths, and after a time their bodies will change to the bodies of human beings, and will afterwards be seen floating on the surface of this deep river.
  • Mother.—In spite of what they say, I am sure it will be a long time before his body will be seen in the stream. Why, it is only five or six days since he disappeared!
  • Osayo.—Therefore, if it is only such a short time since his disappearance he must still be living.
  • Mother.—I wonder if he could live on the mountains without food if he were enchanted by a fox?
  • Osayo.—But the mistress of our school told us that if we could get water enough to drink, we could manage to live for some twenty days, so I believe Kaku-chan is still alive.
  • Mother.—If he lives, we must never allow a man who is enchanted by a fox to enter our home any more! (She frowns at her daughter, who nods her head sadly. The old woman crosses the bridge, and coming dawn the path, she seats herself good-naturedly near her daughter.) Oh, my dear Osayo, why do you think about him so much? You are still very young, and when you reach a