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The White Fox

(Peeping toward the cottage door) There is a white thing moving about in there. Look! She is there! (He moves closer to the cottage.)

  • Osayo.—(Looks in the direction in which he points, terribly frightened.) No, there’s nothing, Kaku-chan. There is nothing in there. I have been near this cottage for several hours, but I have never seen anything or anyone approach this place.
  • Kakutaro.—But I have been seeing her every night. Yes, every night, when the moonbeams creep into the cottage door and into the bath, that is usually the time she comes here. Last night, and the night before, at this very hour, I saw her.
  • Osayo.—You lie to me, Kaku-chan. Such a thing is not possible! Nobody can be there at this time of night.
  • Kakutaro.—I am telling you the truth. If you think that I am lying to you, come with me and look. (Again he peeps into the door-way.) Oh, look! She is already there; look, I say! She has already taken off her clothes, and I can see her naked body…. I can see her in the bath, and the moon is shining upon her pure white naked body, and… oh, oh, Osayo, do look at her!
  • Osayo.—(Is afraid, and will not look.) I beg you, I pray you not to look in there, for it must be the fox!
  • Kakutaro.—What nonsense are you talking!… I assure you it is no fox…. It is a woman! I know her well, for when I was in Kobe I saw her there.