Page:Eminent Authors of Contemporary Japan.pdf/49

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The White Fox

light of a lantern can be seen far up in the bed of the steam. It is very indistinct, as it is a long way off. At the same time a voice can be heard in the distance, calling:)

  • The Voice.—Hallo, down there! Come here, everybody! Kakutaro’s body has been found!
  • Osayo.—What! Kaku-chan is dead? (She jumps quickly down into the bed of the stream, and is seen climbing hurriedly toward the upper part of the river. Then the policeman and Osayo’s mother follows. The light of the lantern gradually gets nearer, and the voice can be heard clearer than ever.)
  • The Voice.—Hallo! Come quickly! Kaku-chan’s body has been found floating on the stream in the abyss of Chigo-ga-fuchi! (The three figures gradually pass out of sight as they climb to the upper part of the stream.)

(The End)