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A Case of Child Murder
  • Asa.—Because we had no one to send.
  • Koyama.—You could have asked your husband?
  • Asa.—But I have no husband.
  • Koyama.—Is he dead, then?
  • Asa.—Yes.
  • Koyama.—I’m sorry. Under the circumstances I will register the child’s birth for you, though it is behind time.
  • Asa.—Must I really do it?
  • Koyama.—Yes, of course you must do it. If you don’t, you will be punished by law.
  • Asa.—(Hanging her head) I don’t know what to do. (She timidly picks up the box that she had laid down, and presents it to Koyama.) I ask you, I entreat you, Sir; can’t you make an exception this time, and pass over this matter for me?
  • Koyama.—No, I cannot.
  • Asa.—Sir, I don’t want to register, and I want to escape any punishment. For mercy’s sake, please try to settle the matter privately for me as I ask?
  • Koyama.—(Suddenly seizing the arm of the woman) You have killed your child!
  • Asa.—Oh, no! God forbid! I never, never could do such a——
  • Koyama.—You lie! Why are you so afraid of registering your child if you are telling me the truth?
  • Asa.—No, no, to kill my child—Oh, I tell you I am innocent!
  • Koyama.—Then how did it die?
  • Asa.—It died,—only died.