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NO. 21 OF 2016

(b) instead, the repealed section 65(1C) and (2) as in force immediately before that date continue to apply to the recovery of the salary under that claim.”;
(e) by inserting, immediately after subsection (1) of section 115, the following subsection:
“(1A) The Commissioner must not inquire into or decide a dispute mentioned in subsection (1) unless—
(a) the dispute is of a type prescribed by regulations made under section 139; or
(b) a claim is lodged under section 119, in relation to the dispute, before the date of commencement of section 38(e) of the Employment Claims Act 2016.”;
(f) by inserting, immediately after subsection (2) of section 115, the following subsection:
“(2A) The Commissioner may direct the parties to a dispute mentioned in subsection (1) to attend a mediation conducted by an approved mediator (as defined in section 2(1) of the Employment Claims Act 2016) or a conciliation officer (as defined in section 2 of the Industrial Relations Act (Cap. 136)).”; and
(g) by deleting the words “and all other officers appointed or acting under this Act” in section 127 and substituting the words “, every other officer appointed or acting under this Act, and every authorised person (when carrying out any function or duty of the Commissioner)”.

Consequential and related amendments to Industrial Relations Act

39. The Industrial Relations Act (Cap. 136, 2004 Ed.) is amended—

(a) by deleting the word “EXECUTIVE” in the Part heading of Part IVA;