Ord. No. 38/68.
“wages” means all remuneration, earnings or allowances, however designated or calculated, capable of being expressed in terms of money, payable to an employee in respect of work done or to be done under his contract of employment, but does not include—
- (a) the value of any accommodation, education, food, fuel, light, medical care or water provided by the employer;
- (b) any contribution paid by the employer on his own account to any pension fund or provident fund;
- (c) any travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession;
- (d) any sum payable to the employee to defray special expenses incurred by him by the nature of his employment;
- (e) any gratuity payable on completion or termination of a contract of employment; or
- (f) any annual bonus, or any proportion thereof, which is of a gratuitous nature or which is payable only at the discretion of the employer.
Application of Ordinance. 3. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 35, this Ordinance applies to every employee engaged under a contract of employment, to an employer of such employee and to a contract of employment between such employer and employee.
(2) This Ordinance does not apply—
- (a) to a person employed otherwise than by way of manual labour whose wages exceed fifteen hundred dollars per month;
- (b) to a person who is a member of the family of the proprietor of the business in which he is employed and who dwells in the same dwelling as the proprietor;
- (c) to a worker as defined in the (Cap. 78.)Contracts for Overseas Employment Ordinance;
- (d) to a person who is serving under articles entered into pursuant to subsection (1) of section 10 of the (Cap. 281.)Merchant Shipping Ordinance, or on board a ship registered in a country which is represented by a consular officer resident in the Colony;
- (e) to a contract of apprenticeship made on or after the 1st day of April 1965, if, within one month after it has been made, the contract is attested by the Commissioner.