Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 14.djvu/568

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Name. 1 Special Character and Xo. of Vols. To whom

o Remarks. Print. MSS Accessible. VIENNA contd. K. K. Obergym- 1726 38,000 130 Open to nasium der Tlie- strangers ; resianischen Akad.

books lent. K. K. Oeffentl. B. 1405 Copy priv.; 6461incun. 440,000 20,000 Op.; bks. 1. K. K. Technische 1816 40,000 Open. Hochschule. K.K.Universitiits-B. 1777 Much used; copy-privilege. 271,070 190 Op.; bksl. K. K. Zoologisches 1780 Sci., espec. Zoology. 30,000 Few. Books lent. Cabinet. Mechitaristen-B. 1773 Armenian congrcg. lib. 38,243 78 Mem. WEISSKIRCHEN : Militiir-Schulen-B. 1860 Military Sci. 40,000 Staff A Off. V. SWITZERLAXD. AARAU : Aargauische Kan- 1803 60,000 1,200 Open. tons-Bibliothek. BASEL : Allg. Lesegesellsch. 1787 Gen., Local. 40,000 Sub. Oeffentl. B. (Univ.). 1460 Belles-lettres excluded. 120,000 4,000 Op. ; bks 1. BERN : Lesegesellschaft. 1701 42,000 |Sub. Stadt-B. 1528 Also the univer. lib.; Prof. 50,000 3,000 Sub. and Stud. free. ElNSIEDELN : Stifts-B. 946 Chiefly Theol. and Hist.; 40,000 1,200 Mem. 500 incunabula. (o. b. 1.). FRAUENFELD : Thurgauische Kan- 1807 Printed cat. 35,000 By buying tons-B. catalogue. FREIBURG : Cantonale B. 1848 38,000 Open. GENEVA : B. Publique. 16th Nucleus Bonnivard s bks.; 110,000 1,800 Open. " cent pr. ca*". LAUSANNE : B. Cantonale. 1536 Largely Theol. 62,000 Op.; bksl. LUCERNE : Cantons-B. 1832 Based on lib. of Jesuit col. 83,000 Op. ; bks. 1. XEUCHATEL : B. de la VUle. 1793 Gen., Xeuchatel. 80,000 Op. by gu. ST GALL : Stadt-B. l.WO Many incunabula. 60,400 500 Open. Stifts-B. 830 Pr. cat. of MSS. and 41,700 1,800 Adults. the 1700 incunabula. 3CHAFFHAUSEN : Stadt-B. 1636 30,000 450 Small sub. SOLOTHURN : Stadt-B. 1761 37,500 200 Open. ZURICH : Kantonale Lehran- 1835 55,000 800 Open. stalten. Stadt-B. 1620 Managed by a Society. 97,000 3.000 Small sub. VI. ITALY. BOLOGNA : Biblioteca della 1712 Sci., lately ; MSS. of Aldro- 160,000 6,000 Open; Universita. vandi and Marsigli ; MS. stud, only chron. in winter evenings. B. Comunale. !1801 120,000 Open. 1839 CAGLIARI : B. Universitaria. 1793 30,000 MSS. Open. CATANIA: Universita. 1755 Gen.. Catania 42,000 Open. B. Ventimiliana. |1783 20,000 Open. CAVA DEI TIRRENI : B. della SS. Trinita. 11th Gen., Theol. <fcc. ; now 10,000 Open. cent under min. of public instr. CREMONA : , B. Governativa. 1 774 40,000 Open. FERRARA : B. Comunale. 1753 Gen., Ferrara; Ferrarese 100,000 Incl. Open. MSS. and incunabula. FLORENCE : B. Marucelliana. ; 1752;Cen., Fine Arts; bequest of 136,500 3.000 Open. Mgr. F. Marucelli; 80,000 prints and drawings. B. Nazionale. ,171-1 Union of B. Magliabe- 400,000 15,000 Open


chiana and B. Palatina. (over 18). B. della R. Accad.lSOl Fine Arts. 15,000 Open to delle Arte. Stud. B. Riccardiana. 1815 Valuable MSS. 28,000 3.500 Onen. Librcria Medi.- 15th Remarkable MSS. 3,000 7,000 10t>en. Laurenziana cenl GENOA : B. della Cong, della Missione Urbana 1727 Gen., Fine Arts. 50,000 300 Open. B. Franzoniana. 1778 Theology ; first lib. open 16,000 32 at night. B. della Universita 1773 Lit., Sci. ; Archoeol. mus 116,492 1,363 Open (over attached. 18); Stud. LUCCA : B. Pubblica. MACERATA : 1791 50,000 1,268 Open. B. Comunale Mozz Borgetti. 177: 185; Found, by B. Mozzi, 1773 T. Borgetti, 1835, united 50,000 680 Open. in 1855. MANTUA : . B. Governativa. 30,000 Open. Name. Founded. Special Character and Remarks. Xo. of Vols. To whom Accessible. Print. MSS. MESSINA : B. dell University 1783 University Course; Greek 40,000 700 Open degli Stuclii. MSS. from Mon. del (over 18). SS. Salvadore. MILAN : 13. Ambrosiana. 1609 Milan incunab. ; found, by 164,000 8,100 Open. F. Borromeo. B. Xazionale dc 1770 Collection of Classics. 162,123 3646 Open Brera. (over 18). MODENA : B. Estense. 1508 90,000 3.000 )pen. B. Universitaria. 1844 20,000 Open. MONTE CASSINO : B. del. Monast. 10th Theology ; early MSS. and 40,000 1,000; By leave. cent archives. 30,000 chris. .NAPLES : B. Brancacciana. 1673 150,000 3,000 Open. B. del Girolumiui. 1690 30,000 Open. B. Xazionale. 1804 Gen. ; Vesuvius and vol 275,000 8,000 Open 1863 canoes. (over 18). Jl B. di S. Giacomo. 1863 Chiefly modern ; br. of 35,000 Open B. Xazionale. (over 18). B. dell Oratorio. 10th Theology. 26,420 355 Open. cent B. dell Universita. 1812 Gen.,Xat. Sci. ; Dante lit. 150,000 25 Open. 1827 XOVARA : B. Civica. 1847 30,000 Open. PADUA : B. Universitaria 1629 Univ. course. 158,240 2,458 Op.(ov.lS). PALERMO : B. Comunale. 177.5 Gen., Sicily ; Arabico-Sicil- 140,941 2,640 Open. ian coins; portraits, fec., of Sicilians. B. Xazionale. 1804 110,000 12,000 Open. PARMA : Regiu B. 1779 De Rossi s Orient. MSS. 213,995 Incl. OIH II (over 18). PAVIA : B. dell Universita. 177* Gen., Med. and Nat. Sci. ; 185,000 7D1 Open publications of societies. (over 18). PERUGIA : B. Civica. 1852 Founded by P. Podiani. 30,000 915 ( )pen. PISA: B. della K. Uni 1742 Univ. course. 120,000 Open versita. (over 15). RAVENNA : B. Classense. 1710 Gen., Hist., and Ascetic 65,000 1,200; Open. Theol. ; founded at ex 7,000 pense of P. Canneti. deeds. RIMINI : B. Gambalunga. 1619 Theol., Math.. Jurisp., 36,000 Incl. Open. Hist, of Rimini. ROME : li. della R. Acca- 18C7 Soc. publns. ; founded on 12.500 Mem. demiadei Lincei. lib. of X. Cavalieri. B. Alessandrina dell 1CC7 University course ; pr. 80,000 235 Open Universita (or B. books of lib. of dukes oi (over 18). della Sapienza). Urbino. B. Angelica. 1605 Theology; founder Mgr 65,696 2,453 Stud. Ang. Rocca. B. Baiberiua. Private lib. 70,000 7,000 By leave. B. della Camera dei 1848 Laws and acts of parl. of 34,000 Deputies. Deputati. 1871 all countries. B. Cusanatense. 1700 Joined to B. Vit. Em. 130,000 2,500 Open (over 18). B. Chigiana. 1660 Private lib. founded by 30,000 3,036 Leave ot Alex. VII. Pr. Chigi. B. Corsini. Engravings ; priv. lib. ; 60,000 1,300 By leave. founder Clement XII. B. della Propag. 1626 Theology, Orient. MSS. 47,000 3.000 Mem. B. del Senato. 1872 Gen., Law; Statutes of 25,000 Senators. Ital. cities; Munic. Hist. B. Vaticana. 5th MSS. and rarities ; priv. 220,000 25,600 By leave. cent lib. of pope. 1453 B. Vit. Emanuelo. 1876 Gen., Theol.; national lib. 360,000 5,000 Open. SASSARI: B. Universitaria. 1556 Univ. course. 25,000 Open. SIENA : B. Comunale. 1757 Gen., Hist.; Fine Arts; 55,750 4,250 Open. founded by S. Bandini. SUBIACO : Monastero di S. 1350 Gen., Theol.; incunabula 6,000 400 Open. Scolastica. pr. in the monastery. TURIN : B. dell Universita. 1723 Founder, Vit. Amcdeo II. 240,000 3,300 Open. B. Xazionale. 1720 Gen., Sci.; Aldines. 170,000 Incl. Open (over IS). URBINO : B. dell 1 Universith. 1826 10,000 6 Open. VENICE-: B. Marciana. 1362 Incunab.; Venetian docu 260,000 9.036 Open 1468 ments. (over IS). Museo Civico. VERCELLI : B. Agnesiana. 1746 Found. G. B. Morosini. 35,000 40 Open. VERONA : B. ed Archivi 1792 124,303 Open Comunali. (over 18). B. Capitolure. 1723 Gen., Theol.; early MSS.; 20,000 1,080 Open. property of chapter. VlCENZA : B. Bertoliana 1706 Gen., Vicenza; archives of 105,000 2,000 Open. Comunale. 1710 religious corporations.