Genera: Enopsis, Nyl.; Pyrenopsis, Nyl.
Tribe 3. Homopsidei, Nyl. – Thallus either fruticolose with the gonimia seriated, or squamuliform or granulose with the gonimia subsolitary. Apothecia pyrenocarpous with or without paraphyses. Spermogones with simple sterigmata.
Genera: Ephebe, Fr.; Ephebeia, Nyl.; Phylliscum, Nyl.; Phylliscodium, Nyl.; Collemopsidium, Nyl.
Tribe 4. Magmopsei, Nyl. – Thallus pyrenopsidian, containing syngonimia, the gonimia arranged without order. Apothecia peridicine.
Genus: Magmopsis, Nyl.
Family II. – Collemacei, Nyl.
Thallus turgid when moist, gonidial stratum consisting of gonimia moniliformly arranged; medulla not discrete.
Tribe 1. Lichinei, Nyl. – Thallus fruticulose or radiately laciniated, gonimia elongato-seriately moniliform, subconnate. Apothecia lecanorine or lecideine. Spermogones with sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Lichina, Ag.; Pterygium, Nyl.; Leptogidium, Nyl.; Lichinodium, Nyl.
Tribe 2. Collemei, Nyl. – Thallus membranaceous, lobate, rarely fruticulose, granulose or subsquamulose, gonimia moniliformly arranged, cortical stratum none or distinct. Apothecia lecanorine or rarely pyrenocarpous. Spermogones with simplish sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Leciophysma, Fr. fil.; Synalissa, DR.; Omphalaria, DR.; Anema, Nyl.; Paulia, Fée; Schizoma, Nyl.; Collema, Ach.; Leptogium, Ach.; Ramalodium, Nyl.; Lichinella, Nyl.; Amphidium, Nyl.; Collemopsis, Nyl.; Hydrothyria, Russ.
Tribe 3. Pyrenidiei, Nyl. – Thallus fibrillose, gonimia moniliformly coherent, cortical stratum distinct. Apothecia pyrenoid.
Genus: Pyrenidium, Nyl.
Family III. – Lichenacei, Nyl.
Thallus not gelatinous, with a gonidial, rarely gonimic stratum; medullary stratum more or less distinct.
Series I. – Epiconiodei, Nyl.
Apothecia with the spores usually naked and pulverulent on the surface of the fructification.
Tribe 1. Caliciei, Nyl. – Thallus horizontally expanded, sometimes none. Apothecia stipitate, capituliform or sessile. Spermogones with simple sterigmata.
Genera: Sphinctrina, Fr.; Calicium, Pers; Stenocybe, Nyl.; Coniocybe, Ach.; Pyrgidium, Nyl; Trachylia, Fr.; Pyrgillus, Nyl.
Tribe 2. Tylophorei, Nyl. – Thallus thinly crustaceous. Apothecia at first pyrenodean and then lecanorine with sporal mass. Spermogones with somewhat branched sterigmata.
Genus: Tylophoron, Nyl.
Tribe 3. Sphærophorei, Nyl. – Thallus fruticulose, branched. Apothecia at first nucleiform, becoming variously dehiscent, with sporal mass. Spermogones with simplish sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Sphærophoron, Pers.; Acroscyphus, Lev.; Tholurna, Norm.
Series II. – Cladodei, Nyl.
Apothecia terminal on podetia, rarely sessile, biatorine or rarely lecanorine.
Tribe 4. Bæomycetei, Nyl. – Thallus horizontally expanded. Apothecia substipitate. Spermogones with sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Gomphillus, Nyl.; Bæomyces, Pers.; Glossodium, Nyl.; Thysanothecium, Berk.; Stereocauliscum, Nyl.
Tribe 5. Pilophorei, Nyl. – Thallus granulose, cephalodiiferous, with rigid podetia. Apothecia cephalodine, on the podetia, with the paraphyses prolongated into the hypothecium. Spermogonea with simplish sterigmata.
Genus: Pilophoron, Tuck.
Tribe 6. Stereocaulei, Nyl. – Thallus cæspitose, podetiiform, solid. Apothecia terminal or lateral, lecideine or rarely lecanorine. Spermogones with simple sterigmata.
Genera: Stereocaulon, Schreb.; Stereocladium, Nyl.; Arygopsis, Fr. fil.; Oxocladium, Mnt.
Tribe 7. Cladoniei, Nyl. – Thallus foliaceous or fruticulose, with fistulose podetia. Apothecia biatorine on the podetia, rarely sessile on the leaflets. Spermogones with simplish sterigmata.
Genera: Heterodea, Nyl.; Pyenothelia, Ach.; Cladonia, Hffm.; Cladina, Nyl.; Cladia, Nyl.; Ramalea, Nyl.
Series III. – Ramalodei, Nyl.
Thallus efoliolose, fruticulose, or filamentosc. Apothecia generally lecanorine.
Tribe 8. Rocellei, Nyl. – Thallus simplish or branched, internally with filamentose medulla. Apothecia irregular (normally lecanorine), adnate, terminal, or lateral. Spermogones with simplish sterigmata.
Genera: Combea, DN.; Rocella, DC.
Tribe 9. Siphulei, Nyl. – Thallus podetiiform, simple or fruticulose, internally with filamentose or fistulose medulla. Apothecia unknown. Spermogones (where seen) with arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Siphula, Fr.; Emlocena, Cromb.; Thamnolia, Ach.
Tribe 10. Ramalinei, Nyl. – Thallus fruticuloso-foliaceous, rounded or compressed, with woolly medulla. Apothecia lecanorine, scutellate. Spermogones with arthrosterigmata.
Genus: Ramalina, Ach.
Tribe 11. Usneei, Nyl. – Thallus much branched, rounded, or compressed, with firm medullary axis. Apothecia parmelioid, peltate. Spermogones with simplish sterigmata.
Genera: Usnea, Hffm.; Neuropogon, N. and Fl.; Chlorea, Nyl.
Tribe 12. Alectoriei, Nyl. – Thallus branched, rounded, or compressed, with woolly medulla. Apothecia parmelioid, scutelliform. Spermogones with simplish sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Alectoria, Ach.; Dactylina, Nyl.; Dufourea, Ach.
Tribe 13. Cetrariei, Nyl. – Thallus fruticulose or foliaceous, with woolly medulla. Apothecia parmelioid, marginal, obliquely affixed. Spermogones with simple sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Cetraria, Ach.; Platysma, Hffm.
Series IV. – Phyllodei, Nyl.
Thallus foliaceous, usually depressed, lobate. Apothecia generally peltiform or lecanorine.
Tribe 14. Parmeliei, Nyl. – Thallus frondosely dilated, or lobate, or laciniated, with woolly, rarely solid, medulla. Apothecia parmelioid, scutelliform. Spermogones with simple sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Evernia, Ach.; Everniopsis, Nyl.; Parmelia, Ach.; Parmeliopsis, Nyl.
Tribe 15. Stictei, Nyl. – Thallus large, lobate, cyphellate, or ecyphellate beneath; gonidial stratum composed either of nodulose gonimia or of true gonidia. Apothecia lecanorine, rarely parmeleine. Spermogones with arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Stictina, Nyl.; Lobarina, Nyl.; Sticta, Ach.; Lobaria, Nyl.; Ricasolia, DN.
Tribe 16. Peltigerei, Nyl – Thallus frondosely dilated, the cortical stratum often wanting beneath; gonidial stratum consisting either of gonidia or (usually) of gonimia, rarely of gonidimia. Apothecia peltiform, adnate, or innate. Spermogones (where seen) with arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Nephroma, Ach.; Nephromium, Nyl.; Peltidea, Ach.; Peltigera, Hffm.; Solorina, Ach.
Tribe 17. Physciei, Nyl. – Thallus stellato-orbicular, rarely fruticulose, internally with woolly medulla; gonidial stratum consisting of true gonidia. Apothecia lecanorine. Spermogones with arthrosterigmata.
Genus: Physcia, Nyl.
Tribe 18. Pyxinei, Nyl. – Thallus stellato-laciniated, with woolly medulla and true gonidial stratum. Apothecia lecideine. Spermogones with arthrosterigmata.
Genus: Pyxine, Fr.
Tribe 19. Gyrophorei, Nyl. – Thallus umbilicately affixed, with woolly medulla and true gonidial stratum. Apothecia lecanoroid, or lecideine and gyrose. Spermogones with arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Umbilicaria, Hffm.: Gyrophora, Ach.
Series V. – Placodei, Nyl.
Thallus variously crustaceous, sometimes evanescent, rarely hypophlœodal, without any filamentose medullary stratum. Apothecia lecanorine, or lecideine, or lirellæform.
Tribe 20. Lecanorei, Nyl. – Thallus crustaceous, rarely evanescent or obsolete; gonidial stratum consisting of gonidia, rarely of gonimia. Apothecia lecanorine, rarely subbiatorine or typically biatorine. Spermogones with simple sterigmata or arthrosterigmata.
Genera: Pannaria, Del.; Gymnoderma, Nyl.; Erioderma, Fée.; Heppia, Næg.; Amphiloma, Fr.; Psoroma, Fr.; Lecanora, Ach.; Glypholecia, Nyl.; Peltula, Nyl.; Dermatiscum, Nyl.; Dirina, Fr.
Tribe 21. Pertusariei, Nyl. – Thallus crustaceous, continuous; gonidial system consisting of true gonidia. Apothecia endocarpoid or lecanoroid. Spermogones with simple sterigmata.
Genera: Pertusaria, DC.; Varicellaria, Nyl.
Tribe 22. Thelotremei, Nyl. – Thallus crustaceous, or pulverulent, or areolate, with true gonidial stratum. Apothecia urceolato-impressed with double margin. Spermogones with simple or somewhat branched sterigmata.
Genera: Phlyctis, Wallr.; Tremotylium, Nyl.; Thelotrema, Ach.; Urecolaria, Ach.; Belonia, Krb.; Gyrostomum, Nyl.; Ascidium, Fée; Gymnotrema, Nyl.
Tribe 23. Lecideci, Nyl. – Thallus variously crustaceous, pulverulent, evanescent or none proper, with the gonidial stratum consisting of gonidia (rarely chrysogonidia), rarely gonimia. Apothecia lecideine (or biatorine). Spermogones with simple or simplish sterigmata.
Genera: Cœnogonium, Ehrh.; Byssocaulon, Mnt.; Pannularia, Nyl. ; Coccocarpi, Pers.; Lecidea, Ach.; Gyrothecium, Nyl.; Epiphora, Nyl.