522 MAP Guill. Sunson, who worked along with Hubert Jaillot (1681-1717), Pierre du Val (1619-83), and Jean Baptiste Nolin (1692) at the French book of charts, Neptune fran^ois, 1693, in which for the first time the new astronomical determinations were turned to account. Greater critical acumen was shown by the royal geo grapher Guill. de I lsle (1675-1726), and especially by the talented Jean Baptiste Bourgignon d Anville (1697-1782) and his younger contemporary Philippe Buache (1700-1773). In this period France was facile princcps in cartographic achievements, and led the way to the next and latest epoch. In England Dowet s Atlas was published at the cost of the duke of Argyll, and in the same year Aaron Arrowsmith was born (o >. 1828). A beginning of geodetic labour was at this time made in Sweden under Charles XL, the proceedings being carried on first under the Baron Karl Griep- enhielm (ob. 1684) and afterwards under Count Dahlberg. . For political reasons, however, the king did not allow the publication of the map of Sweden; but, the French ambassador D Avaux having iu 1704 got possession of copies, it was engraved at Paris by De I lsle. In Italy P. Vincent Coronelli (ob. 1718) deserves to be mentioned. 10. The Period of Triangulations and Geodetic Surveys. Up to this point the whole art of map-making had been treated as a matter of private speculation. It was France that gave the first example of carrying out the cartographic survey of the country at the cost of the state. Such surveys had a double object, one military, to provide the army with satisfactory maps, and the other administrative, to furnish a cadastre for the land tax. The military interest predominated ; consequently the surveys have in almost all countries been carried out by officers of the general staff, and the maps are briefly designated as general staff or ordnance maps. For such a survey the whole country is covered with a network of triangles, and, in order to secure the most trustworthy basis for the representation, numerous points are astronomically fixed. In comparison with those of earlier date the maps thus produced are distinguished by correctness of detail. In the century between 1750 and 1850 attention was mainly directed to the accurate rendering of the horizontal development of the face of the country ; but during the last thirty years the vertical con figuration has also been faithfully represented on topo graphical maps of large scale by the introduction of contour lines. The first example of this also was given by France, when at Laplace s suggestion (1816) it was determined to publish a new map of France with curves of altitude. But owing to the great extent of the country, and the con sequent difficulty and slowness of the undertaking, only four sheets of this kind were published by 1833. Hanover, however, followed suit in 1829, Baden in 1833, Hesse in 1840, and so on. Since the middle of last century nearly all the states of Europe have been active in map-making ; and prolonged effort has produced rich results. Surveying and mapping have been followed by the publication of topographic maps. The states of the Balkan peninsula alone lag behind ; there no comprehensive survey, has been undertaken at public expense. As a summary of these great achievements in the larger part of Europe, we append a chronological 1 table of the most important surveys, with the date of the publication of the first sheet, the name of the country, the title of the map, the scale, and the number of sheets. Outside of Europe there are but few countries in which a survey based on exact triangulation has been carried out. The largest areas thus measured are the United States of North America and British India, where great activity has been shown ; and to these may be added Asiatic Russia, portions of Australia, portions of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies, and Algeria. In the whole of South America there is only one country, Chili, of which we possess a map based upon a careful survey. In the second portion of the table consequently some maps are included which are merely the work of private carto graphers, and the list miivst be regarded as tentative. 1 For convenience of comparison the different series for the British Isles are grouped together in the table in the place of the earliest date. List of Topographic Maps. Year. Country. Title of Map. ^ !& 1750 France. ; Carte geometr que de la France. l:8(i,400 134 1766 Denmark. Maps of Denmark, published by the Various. 19 Academy of Sciences. 1780 Mecklenburg- Chor.igraph. und Milit air- Karte. 1 : 33,900 9 Strelitz. 1788 Mecklenburg-
16 Schwerin. ; 1855 England. ; 25-inch maps(400,400shts. published). 1:2500 3625 1S46 ,, 6-inch maps. 1: 10,560 ! 110 1S01 1874
1-inch map (old series). > 1-inch map (new series). ) 1:63,360 355 1856 Scotland. 25-inch maps. 1: 2500 14315 1847 6-inch maps. 1:10,560 2025 1856 fj 1-inch maps. | 1:63.360 131 mi Ireland. 25-inch maps (Dublin county only). 1: 2500 665 1833 , 6-inch maps ,, 1:10,560 1908 1853 ,, 1-inch maps 1: 63.360 205 1803 Prussia. Karte von Altpreussen, enthaltend 1 : 150,000 25 Ost preussen nebst Preuss. Lithauen und Westpreutscn nebst dem Netze-district. 1805 Salzburg. Karte des Herzogthums Salzburg. 1:144,000 15 1812 Bavaria. Topograph. Atlas vom Konigr. Bayei n. 1: 50,000 112 1813 Austria. Karte d. Erzherzogrh. Oesterreieh. 1:144,000 31 1815 Karte der gefiirsteten Grafsch. Tyrol 1:144,000 24 nebst Vorarlberg. 1826 Norway. Official maps published since 1845 1:200,000 ... by the Government. 1828 Parma. Caita topografica dei ducati Parma, 1:86.400 9 Piaccnza, e Guastalla. 1829 Wtirtemberg. Karte vom Konigr. Wiirttemberg. 1:50,000 57 1832 Hanover and | Topogr. Atlas des Konigr. Hannover 1 : 100,000 C9 Brunswick. und Herzogth. Braunschweig. 1832 Hesse. Karte von dem Grossherz. Hessen. 1:50,000 31 1833 France. Carte topographique de la France. 1:80,000 271 1833 Lombardy Carte topogr. del Regno Lombardo- 1:86,400 42 and Venice. Veneto. 1837 Saxony. Topogr. Atlas des Konigr. Sachsen. 1:57,600 20 1838 Baden. Topogr. Karte uber das Grossherz. 1:50,000 56 Baden. 1840 Hesse. Topogr. Karte von dem Kurfiirst- 1:50,000 40 enth. Hessen. 1842 Modena. Carta topogr. del ducato di Modena. 1:86,400 8 1842 Switzerland. Topogr. Karte der Schweiz. 1:100,000 25 1844 Moravia and Specialkarte d. Markgr. Mahrenmit 1:144,000 20 Silesia. d. Antheilen des Hrzgth. Sehlesien. 1849 Bohemia. Specialkarte des Konigr. Bohmen. ,, 38 1849 Belgium. Grande Carte topogr. de Belgique par 1:20,000 250 P. v. d. Maelen. 1850 Sardinia. Cnrta degli stati di sua maesta Sarda, 1 : 50,000 91 in terra firma. 1850 Netherlands. Topogr. en Milit. Kaart ran het 1:50,000 62 Koningrijk der Nederlande. 1851 Tuscany and Carta topogr. dello stato Pontificio e 1:86,400 52 Papal States. del gran ducato di Toscana. 1852 Denmark. Topographisk Kart over Kongeriget 1:80,000 81 Danmaik met hertogt. Slesvig 1852 Prussia, E. Topogr. Karte vom ostliche Theile 1:100,000 249 der Monarchie. 1852 Prussia, W. Topogr. Karte der Provinz West- 1:80,000 70 phalen und der Rheinprovinz. 1852 Greece. Map of Greece (Paris, 1852). 1:200,000 20 1854 Hungary. Komitats-Karten des Konigr. Ungarn 1:288,000 1854 Galicia. Generalkarte von Galizien und Lodo- 1:288,000 83 merien. 1856 Oldenburg. Topogr. Karte des Grossherz. Olden 1: 50,000 16 burg. 1856 Portugal. Caita corograflca dos rcinos de 1:100,000 37 Portugal e Algarve. 1S57 Russia. Military Topogr. Map of Russia. 1:126,000 751 1860 Sweden. Topogr. Corpsens Karta ofver Sverige. 1:100,000 233 1863 Saxony. Topogr. Karte vom Konigr. Sachsen. ! 1:100,000 28 1867 Belgium. Carte topographique. 1:40,000 76 1868 Sinai Penins. 1:63,360 1 1868 1: 126,720 2 1869 Norway. Topogr. Kart. over Kongeriget Norge. 1 : 100,000 216 1869 Hungary. Specialkarte von Ungarn, Croatien, 1:144,000 198 und Slavonien. 1869 Switzerland. Topographischer Atlas higher 1: 50,000) mountain regions. 546 Do. hill regions. 1:25,000) 1871 Portugal. Carta geogr. de Portugal poblicada 1.: 500,000 1 por ordera de Sua Magestade. 1874 Spain. Mapa topogr. de Espana. 1:50,000 1875 Austria. Specialkarte der Oesterr. - ungar. 1:75.000 71S Monarchie. 1875 1878 Saxony. Germany Topogr. Karte von Sachsen. Karte des deutschen Reiehes. 1:25,000 1:100,000 156 674 1878 Italv. Carta delle provincie mcridionali. 1:50,000 230 1879 1 " Gran Carta topogriifiea d" Italia. 1: 500,000 1879 Palestine. 1 -inch map. 1:63,360 26 1825 United States. Virginia (Hermann Boije). 5 ml.=l in 9 South Carolina (Rub. Mills). 2ml.=l in 1827 East Indies. The Indian Atlas (J. Horsburgh). 1: 266,000 177 1834 Australia. Map of the Colony of New South 1:540,000 3 Wales (T. L. Mitchell). 1838 United States Map of Alabama and West Florida 6 ml.=l in (John la Tourrette). 1839 Map of Mississippi with a large 6 ml.=l in portion of Louisiana and Alabama (La Tourrette). 1847 Caucasia. Map of the Caucasian Countries 1: 420,000 25
(General Staff).