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50 R N R Jacquemin, 27, 29. Lear, 12. Martinet, 6, 12. Nitzsch, 16, 18, 19, Kay, 4, 5, 6. Seeley, 43. Tiedemann, 19, 48. Jacquin, 7. Lepge, 1C. Mauduyt, 7. 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, Reaumur, 5. Selby, 13, 18 Tobias, 17. Jameson, 16. Leigh, 9. Max, 17. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Heichenbach, 13, 17. Selenka, 7. Tristram, 17, 33. Jardine, 10, 13, 16. Leisler. 17. Merrem, 14, 16, 19, 39, 46. Reichenow, 17. Seligmann, 5. Tschusl-Schmidhofen 18. Lemetteil, 17. 20, 21, 22, 27, 31, Nodder, 7. Reinhardt, 33 Selys - Longcliainps, 17. Jaubert, 17. Lemonnicier, 17. 34, 43, 44. Norguet, 17. Hennie, 15, 18. 17. Tunstall, 9. Jenyns, 18. Le"otaud, 16. Merrett, 4, 9. Nourry, 17. Retzius, 9. Severeyns, 13. Turner, II. N., 12 Jerdon, 16. Lepechin, 8. Meyer, A. B , 13, 17. Nozeman, 9. Reyger, 5. Shai-pe, 12, 16, 17 Turner, W., 3. Johnstonus, 4 Lesauvage, 17. Meyer, B., 17. Nuttall, 10. Richardson, 1C. Shaw, 6, 7, l;l. Valentini, 7. Kalm, 8. Lesson, 13. Meyer, II. L., 18. Oken, 15, 23, 27 Ridgway, Ifi, 17. Shelley, 17. Verney, 7. Kaup, 14, 15. Le Vaillant, 8, 11, 16. Meyer, II. von, 34. Olina, 4. Risso, 17. Shepherd, 17. Vieillot, 7,11, 13, 14,17. Kelaart, 16. Lever, 6. Milne-Edwards, 36, Osbeck, 8. Rodd, 18. Sibbald, 4. Vigors, 14, 15, 16, 25, Kessler, 27. Lewin, 3. W., 1C. 46, 47. Oudart, 12, 13. Roux, 17. Siemssen, 9 31. Keulemans, 13,16, 17. Lewiu, W., 9. Mitchell, 12, 14. Owen, 20, 24, 26, 34, Rowlev, 13. Sloane, 5. Vogt, 43. Keyserling, 26, 28, L Herminier, 16, 20, Mitterpacher, 8. 43. Rzaczynski, 8. Smit, 13. Wagler, 14, 20. 29, 37, 47. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Mivart, 6, 46 Pallas, 8. St-IIilaire, Bourjot,ll. Smith, Alfred C., 17. Wagner, A., 11, 27, Kirby, 15, 20, 24. 29, 31, 32, 45. Miihring, 5. Paquet, 17. St-Hilaire, . Geof- Smith, Andrew, 16. 30, 34. Kittl itz, 13. Lichtenstein, 4. Molina, 8. Parker, 33, 35, 41, 45, froy, 16, 18,21, 23, Smith, Cecil, 18. Wagner, R., 21 Kjasrbolling, 17. Lilford, 17. Montagu, 15, 17. 46, 47, 48, 49. 24. Sonnerat, 7. Walcott, 9. Klein, 5. Lilljeborg, 34. Montbeillard, 6. Pelzeln, 17. St-IIilaire, I. Geof- Spalowsky, 7. Wallace, 32, 33, 41. Knip, 11. Linnreus, 5, 6, 7, 8, More, 18. Pennant, 7, 9. froy, 13, 24. Sparrman, 7. Waterton, 16. Knox, 18. 9, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, Miihle, 17. Perrault, 7. St John, 18. Steams, 16. Watters, 18. Koch, 17. 26, 37. Mfiller, H. C., 17. Petersen, 8. Salerne, 6. Stephens, 13. Whitaker, 18. Konig - Warthausen, Loftie, 2. Mailer, Johannes, 16, Petiver, 5. Salvador!, 17. Sterland, 18. White, G , 9, 10, 18 17. Longolius, 3. 28, 29, 30, 40. Philippus Taonensis, Salvin, 12, 13, 41. Stevenson, 18. White, J., 8. Kramer, 8. Lumsden, 18. Miiller, P. L. S., 7. 3. Saunders, 17. Stolker, 17. Willughby, 4, 6, 20, Kriiper, 17. Lydekker, 44. Murie, 39. Phillips, 8. Savi, 6, 17. Strickland, 14, 15. 25. Kutter, 17. Macartney, 16, 26. Nash, 9. Pilati, 9. Saxby 18. Sundevall, 3, 17, 23, Wilson, Alexander, 16 Labatie, 17. Macgillivray, 11, 16, Nathusius, 17. Piller, 8. Schaffer, 7. 27, 30, 31, 34, 37, Wilson, James, 13. Lace pede, 8. 18, 24, 25, 27, 28, Naumann, J. A., 9, Piso, 4. Schalow, 17. 38, 39, 41, 45, 48. Wimmer, 3. Lamarck, 32. 29, 48. 17. Pliny, 3. Schlegel, 14, 17. Susemihl, 17. Wolf, Joliann, 17. Landbeck, 17. Macleay, 15, 1C. Naumann, J. ., 9, 17, Plot, 9. Schomburgh, 16. Swainson, 13, 14, 15, Wolf, Joseph, 12, 14. Landois, 17. Maignon, 17. 21, 23. Potts, 16. Schopss, 20. 16. Wolley, 17. Landseer, 26. Maltzan, 17. Neale, 17. Pretre, 12, 13. Schwenckfeld, 4. Tasle", 17. Worm, 4. Latham, 6, 7, 9, 16. Marcgrave, 4. Nehrkorn, 17. PreVot, 13. Sclater, 12, 13, 16, 27, Tegetmeier, 7. Wotton, 3. Laugier, 12. Marcotte, 17. Neumann, 17. Proctor, 17. 29, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47. Temminck, 11, 12, 14, Wright, T., 3. Lawrence, 16. Markwick, 10. Newman, 18, 31. Qudpat, 17. Scopoli, 7. 17, 21, 22, 25, 4f>. Van-ell, 18, 29, 49. Layard, 16. Marsh, 36, 37, 43, 44 Nieremberg, 4, 15, Ramsay, 16. Seba, 5. Thaun, 3. Zander, 17. Leach, 7. Marsigli, 8. Nilsson, 17. Ranzani. 14. Seebohm, 48. Thompson, IS. Zorn, 8. ORNITHORHYNCHUS. See PLATYPUS. ORONTES. See SYRIA. OROPUS, a Greek seaport, on the Euripus, in the district

, opposite Eretria. It was a border city between

Boaotia and Attica, and its possession was a continual source of dispute between the two countries ; but at last it came into the final possession of Athens, and is always alluded to under the Roman empire as an Attic town. The actual harbour, which was called Delphinium, was at the mouth of the Asopus, about a mile north of the city. The famous oracle of Amphiaraus was situated in the ter ritory of Oropus, 12 stadia from the city. A village still called Oropo occupies the site of the ancient town. OROSIUS, PATTLUS, author of the once widely read Historiarum adversum Paganos Libri VII., was born in Spain towards the close of the 4th century; that he was a native of Tarragona is a somewhat precarious inference from his manner of referring to " Tarraco nostra " in Hist. vii. 22. Having entered the Christian priesthood, he naturally took an interest in the Priscillianist controversy then going on in his native country, and it was in connexion with this that he went (or was sent) to consult Augustine at Hippo in 413 or 414. After staying for some time in Africa as the disciple of Augustine, he was sent by him in 415 to Palestine with a letter of introduction to Jerome, then at Bethlehem. The ostensible purpose of his mission (apart, of course, from those of pilgrimage and perhaps relic hunting) was that he might gain further instruction from Jerome on the points raised by the Priscillianists and Origenists ; but in reality, it would seem, his business was to stir up and assist Jerome and others against Pelagius, who, since the synod of Carthage in 411, had been living in Palestine, and finding some acceptance there. The result of his arrival was that John, bishop of Jerusalem, was induced to summon at his capital in June 415 a synod at which Orosius communicated the decisions of Carthage and read such of Augustine s writings against Pelagius as had at that time appeared. Success, however, was scarcely to be hoped for amongst Orientals who did not understand Latin, and whose sense of reverence was unshocked by the question of Pelagius " et quis est mihi Augustinus 1 " All that Orosius succeeded in obtaining was John s consent to send letters and deputies to Innocent of Rome ; and, after having waited long enough to learn the unfavourable decision of the synod of Diospolis or Lydda in December of the same year, he returned to north Africa, where he is believed to have died. According to Gennadius he carried with him recently discovered relics of the protomartyr Stephen from Palestine to the West. The earliest work of Orosius, Consultatio sive Commonitorium ad Augustinum de errore Priscillianistarum ct Origcnistarum, explains its object by its title; it was written soon after liis arrival in Africa, and is usually printed in the works of Augustine along with the reply of the latter, Contra Priscillianistas et Origenistas Liber ad Orosium. His next treatise, Liber Apologcticus de arbitrii libcrtatc, was written during his stay in Palestine, and in connexion with the controversy which engaged him there. It occurs in the Biblioth. Max. Pair., and also in Hardouin and Maiisi. The Histories adversum Paganos was undertaken at the suggestion of Augustine, to whom it is dedicated. When Augustine proposed this task he had already planned and made some progress with his own De Civitatc Dei ; it is the same argument that is elaborated by his disciple, namely, the evidence from history that the circum stances of the world had not really become worse since the intro duction of Christianity. The work, which is thus a pragmatical chronicle of the calamities that have happened to mankind from the fall down to the Gothic period, has little accuracy or learning, and even less of literary charm to commend it ; but its purpose gave it value in the eyes of the orthodox, and the Hormcsta, Ormesta, or Ormista (Oifosii] M[undi] Hist[oria]), as it was called, speedily attained a wide popularity. A free abridged translation by King Alfred is still extant (Old English text, with original in Latin, edited by H. Sweet, 1883). The cditio princeps of the original appeared at Vienna (1471); that of Havercamp (Leydcn, 1738 and 1767) has now been superseded by Zangemeister, who has edited the Hist, and also the Lib. Apol. in vol. v. of the Corp. Scr. Eccl. Lat. (Vienna, 1882). The "sources" made use of by Orosius have been investigated by Miirner (De Orosii vita cjusque hist. libr. VII. adversus Paganos, 1844); besides the Old and New Testaments, he appears to have consulted Livy, Justin, Tacitus, Suetonius, Florus, and a cosmography, attaching also great value to Jerome s transla tion of the Chronicles of Eusebius.