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Alphabetical Index.

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823 Aberration, 757. Acceleration (lunar inequality), 799. Adams calculates place of Neptune, 813. Airy, Sir G., 809, 819. Albategni, 751. Alexandria, astronomical school of, 748. Anaxagoras, 74C. Anaxlraander, 746. Anaxlmenes, 746. Andromeda, nebula in, 821. Apex of solar -way, 819, 820. Apollonius, 749. Arabians, astronomy of, 751. Archimedes, 749. Argelander, 819. Aries, first point of, 765. Aristarchus, 748. Aristillus, 748. Aristotle, 747. Ascension, right, 765. Asteroids, 807. Astraea, asteroid, discovery of, 807. Astronomy, history of, 744- 763 ; theoretical, 763-822. Auroras, frequency of, appar ently associated with sun- spot period, 787. Autolycus, 748. Daily, 793. Ball, W. and J., discover divi sions in Saturn s rings, 811. Baxendell, 802. Beer, 802, 805. Bergman, 791. Bessel, 817, 819. Bianchini, 791. Bibliography of astronomy, 822. Bode s law, 80G. Bond, Professor, of Cambridge, U.S., 812. Bougner, 793, 802. Bradley, 756, 794^ 795. Brothers photographs the solar corona,789 ; photographs the moon, 802. Carlini, 793, 800. Carrington, 784, 786. Cassini, 755, 78G, 790, 791, 792, 801, 805, 808, 809, 811. Cavendish experiment, 793. Central forces, motion ruled by, 780; in different sys tems, compared, 781. Ceres, asteroid, discovery of, 806. Chaldeans, astronomy of, 744. Chaffis, Professor, 813. Chinese, astronomy of, 745. Chromatosphere, or sierra, 788. Clairaut, 759, 814. Clusters of stars, 821. Coggia s comet, 815; spectro- scopic analysis of, 816. Coloured stars, 818. Comets, 813-816 ; periodic, tables of, 815; Halley s comet, 759. Conon, 748. Constellations, list of, 816. Copernican system, 778. Copernicus, 752, 778. Corona, solar, 789. Croll, J., 795. Cycle, Metonic, 747 ; Calippic, 748. D Alembert, 759. Damolseau, 800. Dancer, 802. Dark ring, Saturn s, 812. Davis photographs the corona, 789. Dawes, 812. Day, sidereal, 765 ; solar, 771. Declination, 765. Delambre, 796, 797, 759, 784. De la Rue, 786, 788, 802, 805. Delisle, 757, 797. De Vico, 791. De Zach, 806. Distance of the sun, 796. Donati s comet, 815. Double stars, 818. Draper photographs the moon, 802. Dunkin, 793, 820. Earth, axial position of, 793 ; density of, 793 ; figure of, 766, 792; mass of, 792; measurement of,7G7; table of changes in figure of the orbit of, 795. Eccentricities of the planetary orbits, 781. Eclipse limits, 804. Eclipse seasons, 803. Eclipses, solar and lunar, 802 ; phenomena seen during solar, 788 ; theory of, 803. Ecliptic, 771 ; obliquity of, 794. Egyptians, astronomy of, 744 ; their system of the universe, 777. Elements of the solar system, 782 ; of satellites, 783. Encke, 796, 797, 822. Encke s comet, 814. Epicycles and eccentrics in Copernican system, 779. Equation, annual (lunar in equality), 799. Equation of moon s centre, 799. Equation of time, 772. Equator, 764. Equatorial instrument, 768. Equinoxes, precession of the, 750, 794. Eratosthenes, 748. Euclid, 748. Eudemus, 747. Eudoxus, 747. Euler, 760. Evection (l unar inequality), 799. Fabricius, 783. Fizeau, 797. Flamsteed, 756. Foncault, 797. Galileo, 753, 783, 810, 811. Galle, 813. Gravitation, 780. Greeks, astronomy of, 746. Ilalley, 756, 796, 797; his comet, 759, 814. Harding, 790 ; his discovery of Juno, 807. Harriot, 783. Harvest moon, 798. Helicon, 747. Ilencke discovers Astrsea, 807. Henderson determines distance of a Centanri, 817. Herschel, Prof. Alex., 815. Herschel, Captain J., 788. Herschel, Sir J. F. W., 786, 792, 820, 821. Herschel, Sir W., 758, 783, 786, 802, 805, 811, 818, 819, 821; discovers Urar.us, 812. Herelius, 754, 785, 814. Hipparchus, "49, 797. Holden, 1 rof , of Washington, U.S., 813. Hooke, 806. Horizon, 764. Horizon, apparent enlarge ment of sun and moon near, 770. Horizontal parallax, 775. Horrox, 754. Huggins, 802, 806, 815, 816, 818, 819, 820, 821. Huyghens, 755, 806, 811. Ibn-Junis, 751. Inclinations of the planetary orbits, 781. Indians, astronomy of the, 746. Invariable plane of the solar system, 781. Jacobs, Captain, 812. Janssen, 788. Juno, asteroid, discovery of, 807. Jupiter, 808-811; belts of, Ac., 808; rotation of, 808; physi cal condition of, 809 ; satel lites of, 810; elements of satellites, 783. Kaisei, 806. Kepler, 752, 779, 790, 813 ; laws of, 779. Kirkwood, Prof., of America, 808. Knobel, drawings of Mars by, 806. Lacaille, 757, 794. Lagrange, 761, 781, 801. Lahire, 760. Lalande, 786, 796, 800. Lamont, 787. Laplace, 761, 781, 790, 795, 796, 800, 814. Lassell, 811, 812, 813. Latitude, star s, 793. Lemonnier, 760. Leverrier, 795, 797,808; calcu lates place of Neptune, 813. Lexell, 760; his comet, 814. Libration, lunar, 800. Lindsay, Lord, 789. Lockyer, 788. Logarithms, invention of, by Napier, 754. Lohrmann, 801, 802. Longitude, star s, 793. Loomis, Prof., 787. Lubbock, Sir J., 762. Lunar charts, 802; months, 800; orbit, apparent, 775; photometry, 802 ; theory, 799. Lunation, 800. Miidlcr, 802, 805, 809, 819. JIagcllanic clouds, 821. Mairan, 790. Maraldi, 755. Mars, 804; chart of, 805; polar snows or, 805; rotation of, 805, 806. Maskelyne, 757, 793. Mayer, 760, 800. Mean sun, 772. Mercury, 790. Meridian, 7C4; arcs of, mea sured, 792. Messier, 784, 820, 821. Meteors, association between comets and, 815. Michell, 793. Mitscherlich, 788. Molynenx, 756. .Montaigne, 792. Month, sidereal, 774; lunar (sidereal, synodical, &c.), 800. Moon, the apparent motions of, 774; elements of, 782; phases of, 797. Multiple stars, 818. Napier, 754. Nebula:, 820; orders of, 821; variable, 821. Neptune, 813; element* of his satellite, 783. New stars, 819. Newton, 755, 762, 780, 792. fcicetas, 747. Nodes, lunar, 798. Nubeculs, 821. Nucleus of comet, 814. Nutation, 794. Octants, lunar, 797. Olbers discovers Pallas and Vesta, 806, 807. Orion nebula, 820. Pallas, asteroid, discovery of, 806. Parallactic inequality, lunar, 796. Parallax, 775; of Mars, 796; solar, 796; constant of lunar, 798 ; annual, of fixed stars, 817. Peirce, Prof., of America, 813. Peters, 795, 817. Philolaus, 747. Phoenicians, astronomy of, 745. Photographs of the corona, 789; of the solar prominences, 788. Photometry, lunar, 802 ; of planets, <tc., 810. Piazzi, 758; discovers Ceres, 806. Picard, 755, 814. Plana, 800. Planets, apparent motion of, 776 ; relative motion of, 776. Plato, 747. Poles of the heavens, 764. Proctor, 785, 787, 805, 806, 820, 821, 822. Prominences, solar, 788. Proper motions of the stars, 819; of the sun, 819. Ptolemaic system, 777. Ptolemy, 750, 797. Purbach, 751. Pythagoras, 746. Pytheas, 748. Quadratures, lunar, 797. Rayet, 788. Refraction, atmospheric, 769. Regiomontanus, 751. Reich, 793. Respighi, 788. Riccioli, 801. Right ascension, 765. Roemer, 752, 810. Russell, 801. Rufherfurd, 802. Sablne, General, 787. Saros, 744. Satellites of Jupiter, 810; of Neptune, 813; of Saturn, 812; of Uranus, 813. Saturn, 811 ; rings of, *c., 811 ; figure of, 812; elements of his rings and satellites, 783. Scheiner, 783, 785. Schihallion experiments, 703. Schmidt, 802. Schroter, 790, 791, 801, 809. Schwabe, 786. Seasons, the, 773. Seech i, 788, 790, 802, 805, 818. Secular lunar inequalities, 799 Sierra, solar, 788. Signs of the zodiac, 771. Solstices, 770. Spectroscopic analysis of sun s light, 787; of comets, 815; of stars, 818. Spencer, Herbert, 821, 822. Spb rer, 784. Stability of solar system, 781. Star-charting, 822; star-dri. t, 820; star-gauging, 821, 822. Stars, fixed, 816; magnitudes of, 816; nomenclature of, 816; distances of, 817; light from, 817; coloured, double, Ac., 818 ; variable, 819. Star-sphere, diurnal motion of, 763, et ttq. Stellar aggregations, 818; pro per motions, 819, 820; spec tra, 818. Stewart, Balfonr, 786. Stone, E., 795, 797. Strove, 0., 812, 819. Stiuve, W., 818, 821, 822. Sun, 783-790; annual motion of, 770; rotation of, 783. Sun spots, 783; motion of, 783 proper motions of, 784 period of, 786. Syzygies, lunar, 797. Tacchini, 792. Temporary stars, 819. Tennant, Colonel, 788, 789. Thales, 74. Theophrastus, 748. Timocharis, 748. Titius, law of, 806. Transits, stellar, observatlsmt of, 7C6; of Venus, 796. Tropics, 770. Twilight, 770. Tycho Brahe, 752, 799. Ulugh-Begh, 751. Universe, sidereal, theories of 821. Uranus, 812; discovery of, 758 elements of his satellites, 783 . Variable stars, 819. Variation (lunar inequality) 799. Venus, 791 ; transits of, 796 ; appearances observed dtring transits of, 791. Vesta, asteroid, discovery of 807. Vogel, 792. Wargentin, 757, 791. Whcwell, Dr, 762. Willard photographs the cor ona, 789. Wilson, Professor, on sun spots, 785. Wolf, Professor, on sun spots, 786, 787. Wollaston, 802, 806. Young, Professor, of America, 788, 790. Young, Dr Thomas, on tides, 762. Zenith, 764. Zodiac, 771 ; how limited, 777. Zodiacal light, 790. Zollncr, 788, 789, 802, 810.