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STATISTICS.] SCOTLAND 529 ution- ity. the number of small towns. Thus according to the grouping of 1871 the rural population of 1871 was nearly 28*000 less than the rural population of 1861 according to the grouping of 1861. It is from the villages and small towns that the large towns are principally recruited, the purely rural population preferring as a rule to emigrate. Table V. shows the nationalities of the people of Scotland in 1871 and 1881, with the nationalities in 1881 in those burghs which had a population of 10,000 and upwards : Nationalities. Scotland 1871. Scotland 1881. Burghs 1881. Number. Per- centage to Pop. Number. Per- centage to Pop. Number. Per- centage to Pop. 3,061,531 207,770 69,401 9,740 5,068 4,698 1,081 729 91-117 6-184 2-065 0-290 0-151 0-140 0-032 0-021 3,397,759 218,745 90,017 12,874 7,024 6,399 1,806 949 90-957 5-856 2-410 0-345 0-188 0-171 0-048 0-025 1,429,012 141,626 51,402 7,768 4,954 4,171 882 545 87-116 8-634 3-134 0-473 0-254 0-302 0-054 0-033 Irish English British colonials. . British subjects from abroad .... Foreigners Welsh From Channel Isles Totals 3,300,018 100-000 3,735,573 100-000 1,640,360 100-000 This table indicates not merely an actual but a proportional in- crease in non-natives, there being an actual increase but a pro- portional decrease of natives of Ireland, and both an actual and a proportional increase of natives of England. Over the whole of Scotland the proportion of non-natives is a little over 9 per cent. , while in the burghs it is nearly 13 per cent. The number of persons of Scottish birth in Ireland in 1881 was 22,328, and in England it was 253,528, a total in the two countries of 275,856. Ou the other hand, the natives of the two countries in Scotland in 1881 were together 308,762, so that there is a smaller migra- tion from Scotland to' these countries than from these countries to Scotland. migra- The following table (VI.) shows the emigration of persons of Scottish origin from the United Kingdom at various periods since 1853 : Years 1853-55 1856-60 1861-65 1866-70 1871-75 1876-80 1881-85 1853-85 Emigrants 62,514 59,016 62,461 85,621 95,055 70,596 133,527 568,790 tal Comparing 1856-60 with 1881-85 it will be seen that the number of emigrants has more than doubled, an increase of course propor- tionately much greater than the population. There are no statistics as to the number of immigrants into Scotland ; and the significance of Table VI. is further lessened by the fact that it includes persons who may have been for some time resident in England or Ireland, or who may have been born there of Scottish parentage, and also sup- plies no information regarding emigration to the Continent. Only the principal ports, moreover, are included in the return. The male population in 1881 was 1,799,475, an increase since atistics. 1871 of 12'2 percent. ; the female population 1,936,098, an increase of only 10'2 per cent. Since 1811, when there were 118'5 females to every 100 males, the proportion has been continuously diminishing, and in 1881 it was 107'6, but still greater than prevails either in England, which was 105'5, or in Ireland, which was 104'3. The proportion differs greatly in different counties, being as high as 134 '71 in Shetland, chiefly on account of the number of males at sea. In Scotland the proportion of female births is smaller than that of male births : in 1885 it was 100 to 105 ; and males preponderate in the population up till the age of twenty-five, clearly showing that the excess of females is due to male emigra- tion or the greater mortality of male occupations. The percentage of illegitimate to the total number of births in 1855 was 7'8, and reached its maximum in 1865, when it was 10 - 2, while in 1885 it was 8'46. It is much higher in the lowland rural districts than in the Highland rural districts, and lowest in the large towns. The percentages of births, deaths, and marriages to population in the annual reports of the registrar-general are in a great degree misleading, inasmuch as the estimated population generally differs greatly from the actual. They place it, however, beyond doubt that the greatest birth, marriage, and mortality rates are in the town districts, that the smallest birth and marriage rates are in the insular districts, after which come the mainland rural districts, and that the mortality is not so high in the insular rural as in the mainland rural districts. Table VII. (see below) gives the percentage of single, married, and widowed to the total of each sex in Scotland, England and Wales, and Ireland respect- ively in 1881. The number of blind persons in Scotland in 1881 was 31 58 Blind, (males 1556, females 1602), the proportion to the total population &c. being 1 in 1182 (males 1156, females 1208) ; the proportion in 1871 was 1 in 1112. The deaf and dumb in 1881 numbered 2142 (males 1149, females 993), the proportion to the total population being 1 in every 1744 as against 1 in every 1610 in 1871. The number of lunatics was returned as 8406 (males 3939, females 4467) or 1 in every 444 of the total population, the proportion in 1871 being 1 in every 494. In addition to this there were 5991 imbeciles (males 2896, females 3095), or 1 to every 623 of the population, the pro- portion in 1871 being 1 in every 727. Table VIII. gives a classification of the population according to Occupa- occupations in 1871 and 1881 : tions. Classes of Occupation. 1871. 1881. Per cent, of Total Pop. 1871. 1881. 1. Professional 2. Domestic 72,911 159,403 114,694 270,008 751,281 1,991,721 96,103 176,565 132,126 269,537 932,653 2,128,589 2-17 4-74 3-41 8-04 22-36 59-28 2-57 4-73 3-54 7-21 24-97 56-98 3. Commercial 4. Agricultural 5. Industrial 6. Unproductive .... It should be explained that the apparent diminution in the pro- Pauper- portion of the unproductive class may be accounted for by the fact ism. that in 1871 paupers were returned in this class, whereas in 1881 they were returned under the occupation at which they used to work. The increase in the proportion of the professional and commercial classes is at least a slight indication of higher average prosperity, but this is more conclusively established by the fact that the number of paupers has for many years been steadily on the decline, the proportion being now (1886) only 2 '4 of the population. The average cost of maintenance is, however, on the increase, owing entirely to the increased cost of the maintenance of the lunatic poor. Crime, like pauperism, is also steadily declining, as is shown Crime, by Table IX.: Offences. Average. 1884. Total. 1836- 40. 1851- 55. 1875- 79. 1880- 84. Males. Females. Against person 751 530 1676 47 120 266 1014 532 1916 62 109 247 881 520 1102 122 44 112 2781 838 524 930 89 48 122 905 515 649 52 36 82 75 80 262 8 6 7 980 595 911 60 42 89 Against property with violence Against property without vio- lence Against property, malicious. . Forgery, &c Other offences 3390 3880 2551 2239 j 438 2677 TABLE IV. Groups. Population according to Grouping in 1861. Population according to Grouping in 1871. Births 1861-71. Deaths 1861-71. Births 1871-81. Deaths 1871-81. Increase or Decrease from 1861 to 1871. Increase or Decrease from 1871 to 1S81. 1861. 1871. 1871. 1881. Actual. Excess of Births over Deaths. Actual. Excess of Births over Deaths. Principal towns Large towns Small towns Rural districts .... Scotland 884,955 254,030 502,833 1,420,476 1,068,556 310,165 540,807 1,440,490 1,193,940 327,734 696,958 1,141,386 1,411,536 388,797 790,796 1,144,444 376,856 103,519 190,128 450,288 274,511 68,769 115,147 247,769 429,679 150,095 293,220 361,357 296,285 94,498 171,485 203,200 +183,601 + 56,135 + 37,974 + 20,014 +102,345 + 34,750 + 74,981 +202,519 +217,596 + 61,063 + 93,838 + 3,058 +133,394 + 55,597 + 121,735 + 158,157 3,062,294 3,360,018 3,360,018 3,735,573 1,120,791 706,196 1,234,351 765,468 +297,724 +414,595 + 375,555 +468,883 TABLE VII. Sexes. Scotland. England and Wales. Ireland. Single. Married. Widowed. Single. Married. Widowed. Single. Married. Widowed. Malps 66-281 62-854 30-441 28-957 3-278 8-189 61-932 59-226 34-628 33-282 3-440 7-492 68-714 63-442 27-501 26-976 3-785 9-582 Females XXI. 67