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Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 21.djvu/794

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768 SHAKESPEARE be aaid to have combined in harmonious union the widest range of qualities, inHndf"g some apparently the moat opposed. He was a vigilant and acute man of business, of great executive ability, with a power of looking into affairs which included a thorough mastery of tedious legal details. Bat with all his worldly prudence and foresight he was at the same time the most generous and affectionate of 12mo - Hovefl, Sele* Pirn*. IMS, honoured and loved by all who knew him, with the irre- sistible charm that belongs to simplicity and directness of fknmrtfr t combined with thoughtful sympathy and real lriwinAE of heart. AnH, while displaying unrivalled skill, sagacity, and firmneaa in buaineas transactions and practical affairs, he could promptly throw the whole burden aside, and in the exercise of his noble art pierce with an eagle's wing the very highest heaven of invention. That indeed was his native air, his true home, his permanent sphere, where he still rules with undisputed sway. He occupies a throne apart in the ideal and immortal kingdom of supreme creative art, poetical genius, and dramatic truth. (T. s. B.) BIBLIOGRAPHY." L Ptxtrsrju. Coiaxcrrrs EMTMKS. Jor Cirfa. isn. 8 ; H. S. Hndaon. Plam^*eltttoM,JSattoa, 1872, rob, am. Sro; 8. tamtam, Sriortal Pirn**, all iaj imjor oW fomnm f 1882. mi. Sro. m PEDCTTAI TaxAssLanoss ot WOBUL Gfi man.C. X. Wlrbal. 1762-6, 8 rate. Sro; J. J. Tutumltmt 1~n '. 13 rob. Sro; A. W. T. SeUoeLlTO-lSML vote. *o ; J. H. and H. and A. TOM, 1818-2*, t rob. Sro; J. W. O. Benda, 1825-6, I* rob. Mtno; J. Meyer and BL Nkm. 1824-34, a pta. ISmo; Sehlegel-Tieek, 1825-33, ft rob. 12mo ; P. Kanfman, 1830-6, 4 rob. 12mo; E. Ottlepn, 1838-0, IS rob, 12mo; Sckbtl- peek-nnei, 1867-71, IX vote. Sro; F. BodoMtedt, 1867-71, 38 rote. sm. Sro; ItafdL mm, ax., 1778-82, S rob. Sro; A. 8. Kak, 1372-80, 7 rob. Sro. Foersos. and P. F. WnhT, 1807-25. 18S7-5LL2 rob. Spa.

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redaeed by J. O. 24 faaa (Cotes). "* Miftmm Ut 8o, Bowe (Toosoo). 7 A. tapt (TonsoaX 7 rob. 4to. L. Theobald (TonsonX 7 rob. Sro, plates. Sb- T. Hammer (Oxford), 4 rob, **. fkamm, Bp. Warbartoa, 8 rob. Sro. Dr S. Johnson (TonsoaX rob, Sro. ..' aad G. minimi 10 rote. STO. . Stage ed." (BellX 8 rob. Umo, plates. E. Malone (BaldwinX *rst " Variorum ed.," 10 vob. am. Sro. Johnson and Steeren** 4th ed^ by L Keed, If Tab. Sro. 1st American ed., S. Johnson (PhibdelpbU), S rote. 12mo. 1st CanHii i allied. (Branawiek), 8 rob. Sro; repr. of 1793 ed. Basel, 1799-180*. 23 rols. Sro. BoTdell. mas. ed. (Burner). 9 rob. foL, pbte*, and 2 addidonal rt A. Chalmers, 9 rob. ftro, FnselT* pbtes. Heath's engiailags, C rote. imp. 4to. T. Bowdler'* " Family ed_" complete, 10 rob. ISmo. . Makwe, by J. Boswell, " Varionun ed.," 21 rob. 8m Ber. W. Harness. 8 rob. Sro. S. W. Singer (Ptcke:ine), 10 rob. ISmo, woodcuts. 1st French ed. (Baodry), Sro. L. Tieck (LeipsieX roy. Sro. J. Valpr, " Cabinet Pictorial ed.,- 15 rob. cm. STO. C. Knight. " Pictorial ed^" 8 rob. imp. Sro. B. Cornwall, 3 rob. imp. Sro, woodcut* by Keny Meadows. J. P. Collier, 8 rote. Sro. C. Knight, " Library ed.," 12 rota. Sro. woodcut*. O. W. Peabody (Boston, C.S.X 7 rob. Sro. Dr G. C. Vervlanck (X.Y.X 3 rota. roy. 8ro, woodcuts. " Laaadowne ed.," (WhiteX *">. Ber. H. N. Hudson (Boston, U.S.), 11 rob. 12mo. J. P. Collier (*ee Pawn Collier Controvert j, p. 771X Sro. J. O. HaOiwen. 16 rob, folio, pbtes. X. Delia* (KberfeldX 8 rob. STO. Stager and W. W. Lloyd (BellX 10 rob. 12mo. Ber. A. Dyce (Mown), 6 rob. STO, 2d ed., le*4-67. B. O. White (Boston, U.S.X 12 rob. cr. STO. H. Stannton, 3 rob. roy. 8ro, ninstrated by Sir J. Gilbert. Mr* Cowden Clarke (X.Y.X 2 rob. roy. Sro. W. G. Clark, J. Glorer, and W. A. Wright, "Cambridge ed. rob. Sro. J. B. Marsh, " Reference ed_" brge Sro. C. and M. C. Clarke (Casstll), fllnstrated by H. C. Selons. 3 rob. b. Sro. C. Knight, " Imperial," 4 rob. bop. 4u>, plate*. A. A. Paton, " Hmrnnet ed.," Sro, in progress (18861 H. H. Fumes*, " Varionun ed." (Phil.), rob. 1-6, Sro, W G. CUik snd W. A. Wright. " Globe," sm. STO. . . , . ., , . er. H. X. Hndaon, " Harrard ed. "(Boaton, U^.X JO rob, lima L Wrt*wort*, " Hbtorictl Pbr,," 3rob7aai. bJo ' " " Ee CL , , Rolfe'* " Friendly ed.," 20 rob. ISmo (X.Y.X [G. Steeren*, flMtfy of lite Playt, 1766, 4 rob. Sro, contain* Hfflfcili of the eariy editions. 48 rob. of the quartos were facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee (1S66-71X voder the tnperintend- ence of HaffiweH ; photo-lithographic reprodoct ion* of earlr f*t*i by Grlggs and Prartorin*. with introduction* by Farnirall, Ac.. 1878, *c.. are now being poblbbed: 28 out of 38 rob. 4to bare been Usued.] > This b an attempt to supply the want of a select classified bibliography of the literature connected with Shakespeare. Great compf essioolW beat IV. M78, Sro, aad A Shaft Ffaar of on Mr firmer" (in Mitat- ,TheTr ,1693, Sro; Leetmrc*. 1694, Sro); i. Den&b, The Impartial Critic, 1692. 4to, and the Gent** ami Writimat 0/8., 1712, Sro; Z. Grey, Word or Two -- to W. Warottrton, 1746, STO, Free and FamOiar Letter to W. War- Hutaritmt, mmd Sue*, 17S4, " "f ^" ^rwmm m,i *ir*r, vw, Acwpy V*v, A*. ^x^aBmsvasaw ^*mmmmf andVarioMfSemdayttoS., 1756, 4U> a779-86X 3rob, 4to; P. Xkhob, The Cattrated Utter of Sir T. Hammer, 1763, Sro; Prince* *y Dr Johnoan, Pope, Theobald, a*., 1765, Sro; W. Kenrick, Jtoic^ of Dr J Anton' * Sew B^tmSS. 1765, Sro, ami Defence, 1766; G. Steeroaa, .Pua.asfi for Prmti Edition, 1766. Sro; Mr* BHt Montagu, Ettay on Writinat and 8., 1769. 8ro, freqaenUy reprinted ; W. Kenriek, - -^= S., 1773, 8ro; Mrs Biz. Grimth, Morality of 8.*

          • MMmt-mm^mw mj +rw or tfomemami m> m ^r^rnw Mlfmammmfm^

ntttitm, /'ruaiasfi for Printing a Sew ntaga, Ettay on Writing* and Gent** of

W. Kenrick, fntrrdvrtrim to the School if

.,.-, -~. _ .__, Morality of 8 .'* Drama, 1775, Sro ; Voltaire, 4Ere a rAcadtmie, 1776. Sro, on Letownen'k translation; J. Baretti, Diteomnma-8. et VoUaire, 1777, Sro; E. Malone, 9*pplrmfnt to the Edition of 1778, 1780, 2 rob. Sro, Second Appendix, 1783, Sro; J. Kitson, Remark* on the Text and XoU* oflSUevenS* 1778] a(im, 1783. STO ; T. Daries, Dramatic MitedUme*. 1783-t, 3 rob. Sro : J. ML Maaon, CoammnsttMt the La* Edition, 1785. Sro ; T. Whatety, Remark* on tome of the Character*, 1785, 8ro, new edition by Archbishop Wnately , 1839, 12mo ; J J Kacbenbarg,r>rn>dk .

  • .. Leipsic, 1787, Sro; i. Kitaon, The Q**p Mode*, 1788, 8ro; 47 Jetton, /m-

j>er/ee( JJiarf* toward* a Sew Edition of 8., 1787-8. 2 pta. to; A. Ecelea, llbutration* and Vmrtarmm Comment* on Lear, Cymhtiint, and Merchant of Venice, 1792-1805, 3 rob. 12mo; B. Malone, Letter to R. Farmer, 1792, Sro; J. Kimott, Cvrmy Critidtm on Malone"* Edition, 1792, STO; Malone, Protpecrn* of am, Edition in U tot*, row. Ma, 1792, 4to ; Pfcmnf Percy, OrMn / Oe JnoiMft SbyK. 1793, Sro; E. Malone. pTopotaUjZTan Intended Edition in K tol*. roy. 8vo, 1795, folio; W. Richardson, JSM* o anae of 8.'* Dramatic Character*, 1797, 1812, Sro, reprint of separate pieces; Lord Chedworth, Sole* on tome Otoatre Pottage*, 1805, Sro, pri- ratery printed ; B. B. Sermovr, Bemarkt on the Play* of &, 1805, 2 Tob, 8ro ; F. Donee, llhutration* of 8. and Ancient Manners, 1807, 2 Tob. STO, new edition 1839, Sro; H. J. Pye, Comment* on the Commentator*, 1807, STO ; J. M. Maaon, Comment* on the oeweral Edition*. 1807. 8ro; C. (and M.) Lamb, Tale* from , 1807, 2 rob. 12mo, pbtes, frequemUy translated and reprinted ; A. Beca^& Malayan. 1815, 2 rob. Sro; W. **&&, Character* of 8.'* Play*, 1817, STO, new edition 1873 ; X. Drake, 8. and hi* Time*, 1817, 2 Tob. 4to, and Memorial* of 8., 1838 ; Z. Jackson, 8.'* Genim* Jmttijied, Example* '00 Error* in hit Play*, 1819, Sro ; [Variorum] Annotation* JUtutrative of Play* of 8., 1819. 2 Tob 12mo. published with Scboley'* edition; W. 8ro; IL Beyle, Ratine et 8., 1823-5, 2 pta. Sro ; T. Bowdler, LeOfr U Editor ofBritith Critic, IsS. STO, defends omissions; T. P. Conrtenar, Com***- tarie* upon the Bietorieal Play* of 8., 1840, 2 rob. am. STO ; K. Sybrandi, Verhandeling goer YondA en 8., HaarVm. 1841. 4to ; ReT. A. Dree, Remark* on Collier-* and Knight* Edition*, 1844, Sro; J. Hunter, Sew l&utration* of 8., 1845, 2Tob. STO; G. Fletcher, Stwdie* of 8., 1847, STO; L. Tieck. Dra- ence of 8.'* Play*, 1850, STO ; V. E. P. Chasles, tude* tvrW.8.. Mori* Stmart, et tAretin, 1851, ISmo; F. A. T. Kreymig, rorle*uge* n. &, 1838-60, 3rob., 2d ed. 1874, 2 rob. STO, and 8. Prayen, Lapoc, 1871, STO ; [O Council!, Sew Exegetit of 8., 1859, Sro ; 8. Jerrb, PnytotdEmrndati*** of 8., 2d ed. 1861, STO; R. Cartwright, The Footttept of 8-, 1862, STO, Sew Reading* in 8., 1866, STO, and Paper* &, 1877, STO; G.G. Gerrinus, 4*. Cvmmentanet trandated, 1863, 2 rofcv, new edition rerbed 1875, 8ro ; S. Bailey. Thereeeittd Text of 8.'* Dramatic Writing*, 1862-6, 2 rob. STO; C. C. Clarke. 8. Character*, ehiejly thaae Subordinate, IMS, Sro ; H. Marggraff. W. 8. at* Lehrer der MentchheX, Leipaie, 1864, Ifimo; J. H.Hackett, J Vote* and Comment*, X. T., 1864, am. Sro; , v*A*v , v A*~ *B.afc J .ai > ^.T V !* V WM CM-*, < J. -. A^aVK, OBU, O* V p . ., *et ctmrret et *** critique*, 1865, Sro; EL Wellesley, Stray Sotetonthe Text 0/8., 1865, 4to; A. . L. de !. 8. et ton aemtrc, 1865, STO ; W. L. Rashton, 8. llhatrated by old Author*, 1867-& 2 pis. STO; T. Keigbtley, The 8. Exporter, 1867, am. STO ; B. Tschbchwitz, 8. Ponthnngen, 1868, 3 rob. Sro; G. K. French, Sha*e*peareana Geneatoyia*, 1868, Sro; f. Jacox, 8. Divertio**, 1873-7, 2 rob. STO; H. T. Friesen. Da* B*ch: S. f. Oermm**, Leipsic, 186D, STO, & Stmdien, Vienna, 1874-6, 2 rob. Sro, and K. Elze't W. 8., Leipaie. 1876, STO ; H. T. HalL ShaketftarianPly Leaiet, 174, 8ro; K. R. Proelat, ErlavUntngen, Leipsic, 1874-8, pta. 1-6, am. STO, inclod- necesaary. Articles in periodicab not baaed separately, and modern critical editions of stogie plays, are not included ; and only those of the play* usually contained in the collectire editions are noticed. The name, in its rarioos sare, Shakvpeare, Shakespear, Snakcpere, Ac.), is usaally initial &