RUSSIAN EMPIRE.] RUSSIA 69 and, while some stems, like the Ostiaks, are rapidly disappearing, others, like the Mordvinians, Permians, &c., are losing their national character, and becoming assimi- lated to the Russians. The West Finns alone have fully maintained their national features, and happen to have constituted a nationality developing into a separate state. The Turco-Tartars (nearly 10,000,000) comprise the Tartars, the Bashkirs, the Kirghizes, the Uzbegs, and the Turcomans of the Aral-Caspian region, the Yakuts on the Lena, and a variety of smaller stems in East Russia and Caucasia. They occupy another broad belt which extends from the Aral-Caspian depression to the eastern parts of the Arctic coast. F. The Mongol-Manchurian stems of the Tunguses, and the Golds, and the Manchus proper, come next, occupying the eastern parts of the mountain-belt and the plateau itself in Siberia, the Tunguses also projecting north-west- wards, so as to separate the Yakuts from their southern Turkish brethren. Small stems of the same family also pass a nomad existence in the basin of the Amur. They are rapidly diminishing in number, and can hardly be estimated at more than 50,000. G. The Mongolian branch is represented by nearly half a million of Kalmucks on the Altai outskirts of the great plateau and around the Caspian, and by nearly 250,000 Buriats in and around the Baikal depression. H. A variety of stems, not yet well classified, are met with on the Pacific coasts. Such are the Tchuktchies, the Kamchadales, the Koryaks in the north-east, the Ghilyaks on the Amur, and the Ainos in Saghalin. Statistics of the relative strength of different nationalities in the Russian empire, which, however, must be con- sidered only as rough estimates, are given (in millions) in the following table (I.) : European Russia. Poland. Finland. Caucasia. Kirghiz Steppes, Tiirkestiin, and Transcaspian. Siberia. 3 "o H Russians 63-316 0-790 0-017 1-530 0-640? )3-380 69-673 Poles 1-020 4-550 J - 5-570 0-118 1 0-118 Letts . 1-254 1-254 Lithuanians 1-380 0-370 1-750 0-017 0-293 0-310 Germans 0-780 0-460 0-003 1-243 Other Europeans... 0-910 0-911 Persians and Kurds Armenians o'-b'so 0-130 0-905 0-130 0-955 Tsigans and other 0-015 0-015 2-450 2-450 Semites 2-203 0-913 ? 0-007 3-123 Finns, Karelians. ... 0-316 1-750 2-006 0-903 0-903 Other West Finns 0-101 0-101 0-014 0-025 0-039 Volga Finns and 1-731 0-047 1-778 Tartars 1-510 1-520 0-100 1 Bashkirs Kirghizes 0-906 0-194 Turcomans Yakuts 0-002 0-200 | Other Turco-Tartars 1-020
Kalmucks Buriats 0-118 0-300? 0-020 0-250 0-4H8 0-250 Tunguses and other Mongol-Manchu- 0-050 0-050 Tchuktchies, Kor- yaks, Kamchadales 0-012 0-012 Total 77-878 7-083 2-061 6-535 5-238? 4-094 102-889 The area and population of the various divisions of the Russian empire are given in the following~table : TABLE II. -Area and Population of the Russian Empire. 1 Provinces. Area, Square Miles. Popula- tion. Provinces. Area, Square Miles. Popula- tion. I.European Russia 331,505 91,327 17,619 10,535 61,886 26,148 7,818 14,931 11,942 24,001 21,041 27,523 19,691 32,702 15,692 17,937 18,158 35,293 18,551 12,859 19,797 47,236 57,439 18,042 73,816 14,997 128,210 315,367 790,338 1,419,762 642,570 1,474,153 1,697,061 379,875 1,226.946 1,140,337 1,955,590 2,160,263 1,865,164 2,507,231 1,278,856 1,444,614 2,314,300 1,173,951 1.569,342 1,146,470 2,137,179 1,427,893 1,127,881 327,323 1,892,932 1,196,133 1,382,732 2,539,874 4. Russia in Asia. Kubafi 2 36,497 26,531 23,548 1,107,922 637,893 615,660 Astrakhan Stavropol Terek 2 ..... Northern Cau- Don Cossacks Ekaterinoslaff..... 86,576 2,361,475 Baku 15,516 17,048 11,469 10,705 7,175 14,005 2,824 15,578 1,609 569,992 529,271 636,310 583,957 162,979 863,195 25,983 726,685 75,000 Daghestan 2 . Kazafi Elizabethpol Kharkoff Kars 2 Kieff Kutais-t Tchernomorsk 2 . . . Tiflis ZakatalvS Transcaucasia Caucasus, 1882-83 Akhal-Tekke 3 .... KrasnovodskS Manghislilak 3 Minsk 95,929 4,173,378 Moghileff Moscow 182,505 6,534,853 N ijni-Novgorod . . . Novgorod 1,640 40,790 80,260 ( about C 97,000 169,670 39,200 15,700 34,500 (90,000 Z J 5,000 .a") 10, 000
- (12,000
Olonetz Orel Penza Perm Ted jell 3 Podolia 16,224 19,265 17,069 16,255 20,760 58,321 32,624 19,110 21,638 25,710 24,539 20,233 11,954 25,225 47,112 16,421 17,440 18,864 27,743 155,498 25,443 59,117 13,751 14,478 2,276,518 2,473,958 894,712 1,713,581 1,622,768 2,224,093 2.113,077 1,471.164 1,191,172 2,490,313 964,329 1,970,094 1,340,866 1,617,685 1,771,988 1,204,746 1,170,987 1,352,140 2,062,270 1.161,551 2,433,657 2,740,953 1,082,782 Poltava Pskoff Caspian Sea Transcaspian region, 5 about.. Akmolinsk 2 Semipalatinsk 2 ... Turgai, withLake Aral 2 Uralsk 2 St Petersburg Samara 390,000 206,000 210,564 188,299 202,192 141,474 463,347 538,385 326.706 525,332 Smolensk Tamboff Taurida Tchernigoff Tula Ufa Vilna Kirghiz Steppes.. 742,529 1,853,770 Vitebsk 39,976 28,045 155,297 166,003 19,665 222,200 808,000 685,945 1,109,542 351,897 Vladimir Ferganah 2 Volhynia Vologda Semiryetchensk 2 Sir-daria 2 Vyatka Zerafshan 3 Turkestan Yaroslavl Sea of Azoff. 408,986 3,177,584 Total, Russian provinces, 1882, 2. Poland. 1,902,092 77,879,521 CentralAsia, about Tobolsk 1,541,500 5,237,354 531,982 329,039 1,283,168 1,134,748 4,392 3,897 4,667 6,499 4,729 4,200 4,769 5,535 4,846 5,623 774,759 643,629 559,316 882,616 865,777 538,141 644,827 630,238 603,174 940,998 Kielce Tomsk Lomza Lublin Western Siberia.. Irkutsk 861,021 2,417,916 Piotrkdw Plock 309,190 240,781 1,517,127 992 870 398,873 497,760 243,443 421,010 Radom Siedlce Transbaikalia 2 .... Yakutsk 2 Warsaw Total, Poland 3. Finland. Abo-Bjb'rneborg.. Eastern Siberia... Amur 2 3,059,968 1,561,086 49,157 9,335 16,499 4,586 8,819 8,334 63,971 16,627 16,084 7,083,475 344.649 256,420 202,806 167,310 221,360 207,782 358,480 301,975 173,559 730,022 40,533 74,000 Maritime, or Pri- morskaya 2 Amur region Total, Siberia Total, Asiatic Russia, about... Grand total, Russian empire, about 903,581 114,533 St Michel Tavastehus 4,824,570 4,093,535 Wasa 6,548,600 15,865.742 Wiborg Total, Finland Total, European 144,255 2,060,782 8,644,100 102,889,520 2,095,504 87,023,778 1 The figures are taken, for the areas, from Strelbitzky's Superficies de V Europe, and, for the population, from the Sbornik Svedeniy o Evropeiskoi Rossii for 1882, the Izvestia of the Caucasus Geographical Society, the RussJciy Kalendar, Ac T areas have been 'reduced, taking the square kilometre as equal to 0-3861167 English square mile. 2 Oblasls. or provinces. 3 Okrugs, or otdyels (territories) under military government, the remainder being governments (gubernif) under civil governors. 4 Including Battim and Sukhum. According to General Meyer, in Izvestia of the Russian Geogr. bociety, lbt>- ; >, 4. The areas for the first three districts are given according to M. Seidlitz in Russische Revue, 1885, 4; for the remainder, according to General Meyer. The oasis of Merv proper extends to about 2100 square miles. The populations are given without the Russian military. M. Seidlitz estimates them as follows : Akhal Tekkc 42,000; Krasnovodsk, 15,300; Manghishlak, 34,500; Merv, 160,000 ; Ted jett, 7500; total, 260,000. The total population, excluding military, is estimated by military authorities at 214,000.