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688 W B & conviction, and such goods, if exposed for sale, may be seized and carried before a justice of the peace, and the vendor called upon to satisfy the justice that he came lawfully by them, 24 and 25 Viet. c. 96, ss. 64-66. Destruction of and injury to ships or wrecks, and masking, alteration, or removal of lights or exhibition of false lights and injury to or concealment of buoys and other marks of navigation, are all punishable by 24 and 25 Viet. c. 97, ss. 42-49, penal servitude for life being the maximum penalty. To impede a shipwrecked person or any person in his endeavour to save him, and to assault any magistrate, officer, or other person in the exercise of his duty in the preservation of wreck, are crimes by 24 and 25 Viet, c. 100, ss. 17, 37. In the case of plunder, damage, or destruction of any ship or boat stranded or in distress on the shore of the sea or tidal water, or of any part of its cargo or apparel, by persons riotously and tumultuously assembled, either ashore or afloat, the owner has a right to compensation against the police authority of the district under the Riot (Damages) Act, 1886. Scotland. As in England, unclaimed wreck was a right of the crown, often granted to subjects, generally under the style of "wrak, waith, and ware," the last two words signifying derelict and seaweed. It was so granted to the earl of Orkney in 1581. It was occasionally dealt with by the Scottish Parliament. Thus by 1426, c. 15, ships wrecked on the coast of Scotland were to be escheat to the king if they belonged to a country observing a simi lar law, otherwise to have the favour shown to ships of Scotland. Compensation for destruction of wreck by a riotous assembly is to be made by the inhabitants of the nearest county, city, or borough under the Riot Act of George I. (see RIOT), the Act of 1886 not applying to Scotland. United States. The State legislation as to disposition of wrecked property is generally in favour of the owner on his claim being made within a limited time. As to the Acts of Congress on the subject, the secretary of the treasury is empowered to make con tracts and provisions for the preservation, sale, or collection of wrecked property, Revised Statutes, 3755, and may issue a register for a foreign vessel wrecked in the United States and purchased and repaired by a citizen of the United States, 4136. Special provisions are made as to wreck in Florida, 4239-4241. Plun dering wreck, or impeding the escape of a shipwrecked person, or showing false or extinguishing true lights in order to cause wreck are punishable offences, 5358. Wreck is not confined as in Eng land to loss on tidal waters, but extends to that happening on the great freshwater lakes and rivers. Wreck commissioners and wreck masters are generally appointed, with powers and duties similar to those of the receiver in the United Kingdom. ( J. Wf. ) WREN (Anglo-Saxon Wrasnna and Wrenne, Icelandic Kind-ill), the well-known little brown bird with its short tail, cocked on high inquisitive and familiar, that braves the winter of the British Islands and even that of the European continent, and, except in the hardest of frosts, will daily sing its spirit-stirring strain. It is the Motacilla or Sylvia troglodytes of the earlier systematists, and the Troglodytes parvulus, europseus, or vulgaris of most later writers, save a few who (ignoring not only common sense but also the accepted rules of scientific nomenclature), by an utterly mistaken view of Vieillot s intention in establishing the genus Troglodytes, reserve that term for some American species which can hardly be generically separated from the European form and have attempted to fix on the latter the generic term Anorthura, which is its strict equi valent and was proposed by Rennie on grounds that are wholly inadmissible. The interest taken in this bird throughout all European countries is scarcely exceeded by that taken in any other, and, though in Britain comparatively few vernacular names have been applied to it, two of them" Jenny " or " Kitty-Wren " are terms of endear ment. M. Rolland records no fewer than 139 local names for it in France ; and Italy, Germany, and other lands are only less prolific. Many of these carry on the old belief that the Wren was the King of Birds, a belief connected with the fable that on one occasion the fowls of the air in general assembly resolved to choose for their leader that one of them which should mount highest. This the Eagle seemed to do, and all were ready to accept his rule when a loud burst of song was heard, and perched upon him was seen the exultant Wren, which unseen and unfelt had been borne aloft by the giant. The curious association of this bird with the ?t of the Three Kings, on which day in South Wales, or, in reland and in the south of France, on or about Christmas Day it was customary for men and boys to "hunt the Wren," addressing in a song as "the King of Birds," is very remarkable, and has never yet been explained. The Wren hardly needs description here, and its domed nest, -W K E apparently so needlessly large for the size of the bird, is a well- known object, for it is built with uncommon care, and often (though certainly not always) in such a fashion as to assimilate its exterior to its surroundings and so to escape observation. Very curious too is the equally unaccountable fact, that near any occupied nest may generally be found another nest, or more than one, of imperfect construction. The widespread belief concerning these unfinished fabrics is implied by their common name of "cocks nests," but evidence to that effect is not forthcoming. The breed ing-habits of the Wren were most closely studied and accurately reported by Mr Weir to Macgillivray (Brit. Birds, iii. pp. 23-30) in a way that leads every ornithologist to wish that the same care might be bestowed on other kinds of birds. The range of the Wren in Europe 1 is very extensive, though it seems to stop short of the Arctic Circle ; but it occurs in Algeria, Madeira, and, according to Bolle, in the Canaries. It also inhabits Palestine. Further to the eastward its limits are difficult to trace, because they inosculate with those of a considerable number of local races or species. As might be expected, the form inhabiting Japan, T. fumigatus, seems to be justifiably deemed a species. In North America, T. alascensis occurs in the extreme north-west, and is replaced further to the southward by T. pacificus. East ward of the Rocky Mountains, the form is T. Jiycmalis the well- known Winter- Wren of Canada and the United States. The number of species of Wrens inhabiting North America is, however, very considerable : but authorities are by no means agreed as to how many should be reckoned valid, and they have been segregated into six or seven genera. Here the House-AVren, T. domesticus or acdon, can alone be mentioned. It is a very common summer- visitant to most parts of the Eastern States, and where it occurs is of a very familiar disposition, entering into the closest relations with those that cultivate its acquaintance. It is represented in the West by T. parkmanni. The TroglodytidiK, if they are to be regarded as forming a distinct Family, predominate in the New World, no fewer than GO species being enumerated in the Nomendator of Messrs Sclater and Salvin as belonging to the Neotropical Region. But the Troglodytidae. by no means contain all the birds to which the name " Wren " is applied. Several of the Sylviidie (cf. WAEBLER) bear it, especially the beautiful little Golden-crested Wren (cf. KINGLET) and the group commonly known in Britain as " Willow- Wrens "- forming the genus Phylloscopus. Three of these are habitual summer-visitants, which differ much more in their manners than in their look. The largest, usually called the Wood- Wren, P. sibilatrix, is more abundant in the north than in the south of England, and chiefly frequents woods of oak or beech. It has a loud and very peculiar song, like the word twee, sounded very long, and repeated several times in succession at first slowly, but afterwards more quickly, and near the end accompanied by a peculiar quivering of the wings, while at uncertain intervals comes another note, which has been syllabled as chea, uttered about three times in succession. The Willow-Wren proper, P. trochilus, is in many parts of Great Britain the com monest summer-bird, and is the most generally dispersed. In spring its joyous burst of song is repeated time after time, until all around thrills with the loud and merry chorus, and yet never tires the ear. The restless but graceful activity of the bird, as it flits from twig to twig, adds to the charm of its appearance, which Hewitson so well appreciated. The third species, P. collylita or minor (frequently but most wrongly called Sylvia rufa or P. rufus), commonly known as the Chiffchaff, from the peculiarity of its constantly repeated two-noted cry, is very numerous in the southern and western part of England, but seems to be scarcer northward. These three species make their nest upon or very close to the 1 Much interest has lately attached to the discovery, announced by Mr Seebohm (Zoologist, 1884, p. 333), that the Wren, for 200 years and upwards, known to inhabit St Kilda differed in hue from that of the other British Islands and of the continent of Europe, and it has by him been described as a distinct species, T. hirtensis. It had for more than twenty years been known that the Wren of the Faeroes and Iceland deserved separation from the ordinary T. parvulus, by being larger, and especially by having larger and stouter feet. It is the T.

borealis of Fischer (Journ. filr OrniOwlogie, 1861, p. 14, pi. i. ).